It's not often I watch a film where I haven't got a clue what's going on, but that's what happened in the case of DEMON WARRIORS: come the ending, I still hadn't the foggiest about what I'd just watched. The plot, if you can describe it thus, seems to be about a young man who's advised to commit suicide by his aged mentor, only to return as an ass-kicking 'demon warrior' with special supernatural powers. His job? To bump off the rest of the 'demon warriors' that are out there.
There's some Thai religious mumbo-jumbo talk in an effort to explain the discrepancies of the plot, but you'll be bypassing that in favour of checking out the various warriors and their special skills. By far the most interesting is an immortal fighter whose body bears the scars of each person he's killed – a neat idea that sadly isn't explore to the fullest extent, as it could have been with a more skilled writer behind it. In some ways, this is like a grown-up version of X-MEN, with the addition of a series of bloody and sadistic fight scenes.
There's action aplenty, and lots of CGI blood, but the choreography is pretty poor, it has to be said. Even worse is the script, which makes no effort to characterise each of the principals, so that the demon warriors themselves are more often than not interchangeable. The acting is dodgy to say the least, and director Thanakorn Pongsuwan needs to go back to film school to figure out how to make a real movie next time, instead of this silly, noisy nonsense.