I've never been a fan of the shrub, but this might be a bit much.
Bush haters will love this though. It shreds Dubya's administration like cole slaw. Rumsfeld's a psychotic, Cheney's a growling demon, and Condi is made out to be a love struck 'Darla' clone.
While a lot of the propaganda is based on some truth, don't buy into this hype. This is nothing more than a bunch of Bush Blasters having a field day.
The Haliburton-land episode was my personal fave. That said, most of the humor was hit or miss. A flash in the pan is all this will ever be. But I hope there is a DVD release in the future. This will make a great pop culture artifact at some point.
And the Cheney affair with Barbara (with Dick vanishing into her womb) stretched the taste meter.