It starts off in a real low budget but pseudo documentary way, with a flashback interview with a school psychologist, but of who? The killer or the hooker victim? Allegedly, this is based on a true story, but that leaves a lot of room for improvisation. It has a video stock only look and it never made it to the theaters. It's from some schlock video production company that specializes in this kind of trash. The main creep, some black yuppie, kidnaps whores and tortures and kills them in his garage while his neglected white wife hangs out in the house pouting about how he is not paying attention to her. Well, dummy, if your husband is murdering women on the side, along with other cheesy sexual liaisons, then you consider yourself lucky that he does neglect you! Obviously a dim bulb, from her choice of spouse on up! If you have to pay for this film, which thankfully I didn't, then you have wasted your money. It is grim viewing and well worth avoiding unless in cases of extreme boredom!