This is an anime for children. It is the story about the little boy Doudou and his summer with his strange grandma.
Doudou's father is a construction worker who has went away to work on a big building project abroad. However he has become badly injured and Doudou's mother must go and see to him. Doudou must stay with his grandmother during summer while his mother travels to see her husband. She is afraid how the sensitive boy Doudou will react so she decides not to tell him. This however just makes things worse thou he can not understand why he must stay with his creepy grandma all summer long. Because in grandma's house strange things happen. Grandma has the 'second sight' and often attends funerals to help the lost souls over to the other side. But grandma's power also attracts bad creatures and demons. One tries to trick Doudou to sell him grandma's soul. He agrees but later changes his mind, but it might just be to late..
This is a nice story, but maybe sometimes a little slow. The animation is far from brilliant. Despite it's flaws it is a story with a lot of heart, and I liked it in a lot of ways. It is seldom you see a story for children that deals with matters of life, death and afterlife in this way. I'd rather have my children watch this than a lot of other bad anime.
Not brilliant, but very nice. If you get the chance to get a hold of it you should take it if you have children. (or if you collect anime)