In London, the powerful gangster Christian (Gary Olsen) decides to eliminate the competition, killing all the rival gangs. In a park, after a slaughter, a black woman survives and becomes the main witness against Christian. The police force keeps her under protection, but a squealer informs Christian every step taken by the detectives in charge of protecting the witness. "24 Hours in London" has a screenplay with so many holes that looks like a Swiss cheese. Indeed, it is a cheesy movie, with situation so ridiculous that becomes funny. The problem is that it is not a comedy. There are many inconsistent plot points and the situations are amazingly absurd. I noted there are many votes, most of them from England, giving ten stars to this film and misleading readers like me. I believe these users were hired by the production to promote this flick, since all of them coincidentally have only one short review in IMDb eulogizing "24 Hours in London". Otherwise, they are from the same asylum. My vote is four.
Title (Brazil): "Testemunha Chave" ("Key Witness")