"Neha Singh" (Kritika Sachdeva) is a young and rather spoiled woman who lives with her parents and older sister in Bhopal, India. Then one day after a series of arguments with them she decides to relocate to Mumbai and live on her own. Although she hasn't planned anything out, she luckily comes across a real estate agent by the name of "Vijay" (Satiiysh Saarathy Sasho) who is clearly enamored with her and does everything he can to make her move there as pleasant as possible. To that extent, recognizing that-other than her youth and beauty-she has no real skills or source of income, he recommends a talent agent of sorts by the name of "Manorama" (Sanghmitra Hitaishi) who has some informal connections to those in the fashion and film industry. Sure enough, she gets a couple of jobs in the advertising business either posing for fashion magazines or for a couple of commercials. Yet, even though these meager jobs manage to pay the bills, she still wants more and tries hard to make things work in a couple of television serials. The problem is-she can't act and seems to always mess up her lines. That being said, Mumbai can be a very tough place to live for a beautiful and naïve woman with an attitude and no real vocation. Now, rather than reveal any more I will just say that I found this to be ta rather bleak picture which seemed to drag on forever in a number of places. And although the acting was satisfactory for the most part, there were too many repetitious scenes which had the effect of leaving me quite bored most of the time. Likewise, I didn't care at all for the ending and for all of these reasons I have rated this film accordingly. Below average.