So this short is about some weird nightmare thing that is taking heads on certain dates of the calendar and stealing identities, all for the ultimate purpose of recreating an infamous biblical scene, and it only needs one more guest for the macabre supper to be and has set its stolen sights on "Judas", and when it fails to take its final quarry by force in the guise of a smartly dressed man, it decides to try out an entirely different approach in a form that's a lot more deceptively pleasing to the eye... This was some symbolically laden stuff but I loved what I was getting from it, it was strange but for me quite gripping and compelling to watch, it was a creepy concept, one that really reminded me a lot of an old sci-fi horror movie that nobody remembers called The Borrower, and I was also detecting some definite shades of that scene with the terrifying headless queen from Return to Oz! I didn't totally get it but it was so slick, sexy and professionally made that I loved it regardless, is this short suggesting that saintly Jesus is a shapeshifting monster of some sort, of some manner of faceless demon that's striving to make a mockery of a bible scene with one perfect snapshot? You tell me what the heck it all means! Terrific little horror short that's deep and bizarre and they just did an awesome job with it, it's The Last Supper from hell, excellent short, loved it! X