As everyone knows the story of Joan of Arc, I hope my review won't get me blacklisted for failing to note spoilers.
While light on the squabbles among the Burgundians, the English, and supporters of Charles VII, and on the myriad events and battles in Joan's life, this program captures the spiritual quest of Joan of Arc to have Charles crowned at Reims. She is superbly played by Milly Thomas, who physically is a splendid match for the title character. Viewers feel an increasing sense of doom for poor Joan as she is betrayed by her own countrymen for political purposes. The program adequately describes the farcical trial by pro-English clergy who had no authority to try her, as the trial was a machination of English secular authorities. Desperate for a conviction, the clergy violated every rule of an ecclesiastical trial and used outright fraud, which culminated in her martyrdom at Rouen.