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मिनटों में
1-468 में से 50
- After mysterious things happen in the boarding school Haus Anubis, eight teenagers, who live there, get to the bottom of things and over time they solve the dark secret behind the wall of this house.
- A group of comedy actors imitates both local and international celebrities and television programs, often ridiculing them.
- This Flemish comical format has a title which in Dutch differs only one (phonetically close) consonant from the African country-name Uganda (actually totally irrelevant), but in dialect can be read -broken down in three words- to mean 'How is that possible?'. It has no permanent cast, rather a pool of actors (sometimes in recurring, often anonymous parts and/or as stock characters), nor a continuous script. It consists of a quick succession of short, often not or only loosely related sketches, the humor of which often has an absurdist streak.