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1-19 de 19
- Um artista obcecado com seu assistente jovem e bonito, um menino precoce de 12 anos que vive em um hotel e um advogado neurótico com uma mãe possessiva compõem três contos de Gotham.
- Stuck in her boring factory town, twenty-three-year-old Marina is at the mercy of both her father's impending death and her distaste for other humans.
- At a Greek hotel in the off-season, a chamber maid, a man obsessed with BMWs, and a photo-store clerk attempt to film and photograph various badly reenacted struggles between a man and a woman.
- The Greek pirate who turned businessman, Ioannis Varvakis, made his fortune selling caviar in Russia and all over the world. Varvakis strives all his life for freedom for himself and then for his country.
- Phantom Limb is an erotic drama for the unconditional love which leads to the ultimate sacrifice. A man named Petros and a woman named Electra are living the ideal relationship, when suddenly, Petros disappears. All the unanswered questions force Electra to seek the truth in any way possible, in order to free herself from a past relation that keeps her emotionally "captive". Two ex -lovers are being separated by 5 cm. of wood. The silence of the man behind his door and the emotional burst of Electra lead to a confession which seems to be the only way out. Could Electra receive any possible explanation? Can they both redeem themselves?
- During the economic crisis in Greece, a man attempting to rob a store finds himself working for the store and making more money than the owner.
- The humorous and uplifting story of two ingenuous Greek cousins, who tackle the world market with their organic tomato products.
- Documentary about the Greek Punk Rock scene of the 70s and 80s. Some of the most famous bands of this underground genre talks about the way people reacted to the music and to the way of life o punk rockers.
- Minissérie de televisão
- A confused romantic actress is confronted by Romeo, a digital character in the movie she's starring in.
- Zacharias wakes up...without his penis.