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1–13 von 13
- Um eine hübsche geschiedene Frau zu beeindrucken, bietet Nick an, ihre Kinder auf einen ausgedehnten Roadtrip mitzunehmen, ohne sich bewusst zu sein, dass die Kinder ihm einen gewaltigen Strich durch die Rechnung machen.
- Als ein Zahnarzt aus Miami ein Team von Schlittenhunden erbt, muss er das Handwerk erlernen oder sein Rudel an einen mürrischen Bergmann verlieren.
- Willow Creek, Alaska, is going through a depression because the local cannery has shut down putting many of the residents out of work. Ray and Pete are truck-driving brothers, different as day and night, who are hired by an old friend to bring Christmas presents and one huge surprise from sunny California up to there. Along the way, Ray, Pete, and the latter's son, Michael, argue and get stuck in a blizzard, but they finally reconcile with each other.
- Eine Frau entdeckt, dass ihr Ex-Freund ein FBI-Informant ist, der gegen das Böse kämpft.
- Zwei Detektive beobachten die Ex-Freundin eines entflohenen Sträflings, doch es kommt zu Komplikationen, als sich einer von ihnen in sie verliebt.
- Harry Crumb ist ein unbeholfener und unfähiger Privatdetektiv, der angeheuert wird, um den Entführungsfall einer jungen Erbin zu lösen, den er jedoch nicht lösen soll, weil sein Arbeitgeber der Drahtzieher hinter der Entführung ist.
- A prehistoric Neanderthal man found frozen in ice is revived by an arctic exploration team, who then attempt to use him for their own scientific means.
- A professional karaoke hustler reconnects with his daughter and a bored suburban businessman turns outlaw karaoke singer, among other plotlines.
- A high school substitute English teacher resorts to murder to protect her murderous dark past while seducing a student who begins to suspect her true identity.
- An eccentric, unconventional woman whose naive aspirations to rise from her job as a security guard to full-fledged private eye lead her into a tangled PL: mess.
- When some shrimp from Colombia, tainted with cholera, is served to some people on a plane bound for L.A., an outbreak ensues. And a doctor sets out to find the source and contain it before it turns into a epidemic. And if things weren't bad enough, a drug smuggler who was carrying some drugs on him contaminates the drugs and are sold on the street. And to top things off, the doctor's husband who is on a camping trip with their two children is sick but did not show any symptoms until they were isolated from the rest of the world. Can she get to them in time?
- An ex-vaudevillian joins forces with a wandering prizefighter to raise enough money to spring his dog from the pound.
- A celebration becomes a desperate struggle for survival when a murderous crazy decides to terrorize his childhood friend's wife.