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- Tre storie d'amore interconnesse sotto la minaccia della guerra civile in Macedonia e Londra.
- In a Macedonian gypsy village local man meets an Indian UNPROFOR physician whom he sees as solution to all his troubles.
- A true story about tragic love of the couple who found themselves at the different sides of the border in 1948.
- In the early 1900s, a down-and-out French nobleman gets involved in romantic matchmaking that backfires in his favor.
- A promising début feature tells the story of a young woman returning from America to discover the realities of life in Macedonia, that looks as if it will explode with all the soldiers, corrupt crooks and terrorist idealists.
- A tragicomedy on displaced people in the post-Communist era. Its protagonist are mostly old-timers from the circus world and the variety stage. When the circus burns down and the "last performance" ends in tragedy, the fault for the loss is laid upon corrupt officials and smalltime gangsters.
- It tells the story of Afrim and Kenan. They meet after many years apart and share childhood memories. Afrim experiences a calamity that puts Kenan in a very difficult situation.
- This is a film about ordinary civilians, who on June 26, 1991, the day when war broke out in former Yugoslavia, find themselves in Slovenia. The main character of the story is an 11-year-old boy, Felix, who is trapped together with his classmates and teacher Jasna in an unmoving column of vehicles on a high mountain road, because of army barricades. The heroes of the story are involuntarily caught between the two enemy military groups. On this day in June, many others find themselves on this road together with the pupils on their school bus - people from various European countries who are traveling south: Frenchmen, Italians, Hungarians, Germans, and, of course, Slovenians; a blend of different professions, nationalities and religions. All of them are individuals who, on a warm summer day, suddenly find themselves in the midst of war.
- Sister and brothers, left home alone, draw on the apartment wall. A painter arrives to repair the damage. While he is occupied, the kids try their hand at finger painting. This inspires the painter to change his plans.