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- Na França pós-napoleónica, um jovem camponês perde dramaticamente o seu pai após uma grande injustiça cometida por um senhor nobre. A sua vida irá, a partir de então, ser dedicada à luta por vingança e contra as injustiças dos poderosos.
- Approaching his 18th birthday, David drops out of school and runs away from home and from a conflicting relationship with his mother Elena. The only thing that matters for him is break dancing. With his own group, the Urban Cyber Breakers, he has got a dream : To win the dance battle that will bring his team to the world final in New York Before reaching USA and fame, he has to overcome the rival group, the LD, to deal with his mother's excessive love and to live out his passion for the beautiful Samia. Le Défi is a musical comedy, inspired by the great American tradition and set in today's world of France's Hip Hop movement. This very strong cultural identity, different from the US model allows Blanca Li to give an original point of view on today's melting pot of French urban youngsters.
- Chantel is happy: her son's away at school playing soccer, she and her husband get along, her neighbor Agnès is her best friend, and her job at a government office is easy. When her husband is laid off and she wonders for how long, her office pal Jackie recommends Alban, a psychic (and compulsive gambler), who promptly tells Chantel of a curse on her that will take three sessions (and 10,000 FF) to dispel. Through happenstance, she meets Alban's half-brother; thinking she is following the psychic predictions, she tries to start an affair with him. She also undergoes Alban's exorcism, and soon, terrible things indeed start to happen. Is there any way out of her misery?