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- After the death of her husband, Zulfiya Zakirova raises five sons and a daughter alone. The Second World War begins. Five sons of Zulfiya go to the front.
- Police officers are investigating the brutal murder of a businessman and his family. During the investigation, it turns out that the killer is a real professional, and some facts from the life of one of the members of the investigation team are revealed, as a result, colleagues begin to suspect him of a crime.
- The Muscovite family urgently flies to Tashkent. Parents explain such haste to the 12-year-old hero by the need to help his grandfather, who lives in Uzbekistan, with business. The boy saw him only once, in deep childhood, but he remembered that meeting with an eccentric relative well.
- A Soviet soldier from Uzbekistan, drafted for the Afghanistan war, is unable to categorize the friendly and enemy forces into good and evil.
- In the lonely life of an elderly actress, appears the same lonely orphanage girl, whose cherished dream is to have her own house, a beloved and wealthy husband and children. Two lonely people find each other, but because of their upbringing and different life views, they do not get along and move apart. The girl misses an opportunity that would change her life and could turn her fate around.