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- A Muslim comes back in Rome after a long time, hired for a Terrorist Attack from a strange and dark man. On his path he will find the true love. Could it be enough to save him?
- Mini serie TVDei malati terminali saranno costretti a diventare dei Killer per guarire dal cancro. Manovrati dalla Khrysalis, una centenaria lega di giustizieri che opera in tutto il mondo, sfruttando il potere dei 7 Chakra.
- In un presente distopico dopo che un contagio virale mortale ha ucciso metà della popolazione mondiale, è stata introdotta una nuova forma di vita: il Mnemonix.
- The new video has been filmed in the Rome, and it is almost like a short film is a flawless blend of action, sex, glamour, gangster fashion, love and most importantly, the epic music by the Lord of Music. The video is about Lord Conrad fighting a gang of hot girls and the fans are calling it the most epic 4 minutes clip of the decade. The single new video has everything including some of the craziest fights, guns, action, sexy outfits, muscle cars of the 1970s and 80s and much more. Gabriel Cash is the director of this video and he has blended originality with creativity like never before in this video. Conrad has been depicted as a symbol of glamour in this video with styling and profiling that has been loved by the fans. His cutoff sleeves, rings, 17k diamonds Gold Rolex, gun-diamonds belt and all the other epic tools of style make this a unique creation overall. From music to glamour and action to adventure, the video has everything for everyone who loves music and innovation.