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- A story about confrontation of the 20th Century concept of love and new millennium idea of what love should be.
- A story about young woman that fights depression.
- Crossword about seven interconnected stories of love, friendship, affection, guns, Balcan, stupidity and people caught in the moment.
- A road trip love story behind the World Football Cup Final between France and Croatia in Moscow, Russia, 15th Of July 2018.
- The Fall. Two school kids on the bridge are about to admit something very important. On the same day, the avalanche of events unfolded between men, by no means are randomly directed to each other. It will result in one stopping of the elevator, one wheelchair, one night tram, one suicide thread, PTSP, wild sex, difference between the years, long silence and driving in the unknown, standing in the rain, a brutal confession, a video from the past, the deception of the deaf refugee, the traces of the Second World War and a gentle kiss .
- Full length documentary about young criminals and young offenders or social cases and their attempts of hooking up with life's second chance after leaving the institutions.