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- Fall of 1944. World War 2 is closing to an end. Nicu, a teenager, embarks on a journey through the wilderness of the Apuseni Mountains, trying to save the horses of his family.
- A high-profile politician running for the EU Parliament meets a tractor driver, teaming up during the election campaign in a small Romanian town.
- Trying to find their luck, husband and wife, Lucian and Andra start a new business by managing a guest-house hidden somewhere deep in the mountains.
- Ingrid lives in a small village in Slovakia, where the Roma population is the victim of a tenacious stigma. Despite this, Ingrid decides to become the legal representative of a young Roma girl, which upsets the fragile balance of her home.
- Petre announces the death of the old man he was supporting. Local police are coming to investigate the circumstances.
- Un regista moldavo cerca di scoprire la verità sugli esperimenti sovietici nel giardinaggio atomico.
- A day in the life of a drug addict in the Bucharest ghetto.
- Corina, a 45 years old Romanian emigrant, works as a nurse taking care for William, an old man, former Nazi soldier in the WW2.
- THE GIFT tells the story of a teenager boy who receives a pair of hunting binoculars as a Christmas gift. But what he wants most now is to go hunting with his father.
- Two rockers are getting married.They don't want wear proper suits and shoes at the wedding. Their family and friends are talking about different aspects in organizing the wedding. Everybody seems to know whats best for them.