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Writing production Rust macros with macro_rules!


Learn how experts write real production macros.

Crab and Goyle

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  1. A simple Rust macro: assert_eq!
  2. Write dynamic Rust with intermediate macro_rules!
  3. Advanced Rust macro_rules! for normalization, counting and concurrency
    1. Private macro rules in Rust
    2. Counting with macro_rules!
  4. Rust macros rule
  5. Exercises
  6. Discussion

This is an intervention.

I'm sorry to spring it on you like this, but we need to talk. It's ok – you're among friends.

I need you to stop describing macros as "magic".

Listen, I get it. Macro definitions spook me too. Confronted by a large macro, my eyes glaze over and elevator music fills my brain.

But each time you say "magic", it entrenches the superstition that macros are too arcane, too advanced, too scary for the likes of you and I.

It creates a false distinction between "Rust" and "Rust with macros". In reality, they're part of the same language, so if you're not comfortable with macros, you're not comfortable with Rust.

In this guide, we're going to demystify three macros that underpin hundreds of thousands of Rust applications. They're not written by wizards, but by the talented Rust engineers we aspire to be.

All three macros are "declarative" – the kind you define with macro_rules!. Think vec!, panic!, etc.

These make up the bulk of all Rust macros, taking tokens as input, pattern matching, and outputting source code based on the match.

Procedural macros constitute the rest of the macro family, and involve programmatic manipulation of a token stream. That's a story for another guide, though!

I've ordered today's case studies by complexity, from simplest to scariest.

It's an intermediate guide focused on real production code, not an introduction to macros. I assume that you have a basic familiarity with declarative macro syntax and are comfortable with the idea of pattern matching against tokens that aren't necessarily valid Rust.

If you're shaky on the basics, here's the relevant section of The Book.

Programming Rust tackles declarative macro syntax in substantially more depth, and is a good follow-up read.

Ready? Here's how to code it.

A simple Rust macro: assert_eq!

We're starting off simple but instructive. assert_eq! is a standard library macro that we use every day. Here's the example from the docs:

let a = 3; let b = 1 + 2; assert_eq!(a, b); assert_eq!(a, b, "we are testing addition with {} and {}", a, b);

My goal is to show you that even simple, readable macros written by exceptional Rust devs are packed with inspiration for crafting our own.

assert_eq! supports two argument patterns. The first matches two expressions, a, b, and compares their values for equality. The second also takes a format string and an arbitrary number of arguments to interpolate.

If the equality check for either matched pattern fails, assert_eq! panics.

Since we have two argument patterns, you'd be correct to expect two rules in the macro definition:

#[macro_export]macro_rules! assert_eq {
($left:expr, $right:expr $(,)?) => { ... };1
($left:expr, $right:expr, $($arg:tt)+) => { ... };2

Rule 1 takes two expressions – the left-hand and right-hand sides of the equality – and an optional trailing comma.

Rule 2 matches the same two expressions, but also matches one or more TokenTrees corresponding to the format string and its arguments.

Their expansions are almost identical:

#[macro_export]macro_rules! assert_eq { ($left:expr, $right:expr $(,)?) => { match (&$left, &$right) {
(left_val, right_val) => {3
if !(*left_val == *right_val) {4
let kind = $crate::panicking::AssertKind::Eq;5
// ... } } } }; ($left:expr, $right:expr, $($arg:tt)+) => { match (&$left, &$right) { (left_val, right_val) => { if !(*left_val == *right_val) { let kind = $crate::panicking::AssertKind::Eq; // ... } } } }; }

Both rules produce code that evaluates the left- and right-hand expressions and stores references to the outputs in left_val and right_val 3. This saves us from evaluating $left or $right more than once. Remember that, although the assert_eq! example uses primitive types, $left and $right could be expensive function calls.

Next, a simple check for equality using PartialEq 4.

Things get interesting when that check fails.

Both rules assign $crate::panicking::AssertKind::Eq to the variable kind 5. Rust is smart enough that this macro-local kind variable won't conflict with any variable named kind where assert_eq! is called – a feature known as macro hygiene.

But why use a fully qualified module path to AssertKind::Eq?

When you export a macro with #[macro_export] there are no guarantees about what will be in scope where that macro is used. Users of assert_eq! shouldn't be required to import this implementation detail themselves, and the fully qualified path avoids this.

Now let's look at how the rule expansions differ:

#[macro_export] macro_rules! assert_eq { ($left:expr, $right:expr $(,)?) => { match (&$left, &$right) { (left_val, right_val) => { if !(*left_val == *right_val) { let kind = $crate::panicking::AssertKind::Eq; $crate::panicking::assert_failed( kind, &*left_val, &*right_val, $crate::option::Option::None, ); } } } }; ($left:expr, $right:expr, $($arg:tt)+) => { match (&$left, &$right) { (left_val, right_val) => { if !(*left_val == *right_val) { let kind = $crate::panicking::AssertKind::Eq; $crate::panicking::assert_failed( kind, &*left_val, &*right_val, $crate::option::Option::Some( $crate::format_args!($($arg)+) ),
} } } }; }

Aha! Both are implemented as calls to the same core function, panicking::assert_failed:

pub fn assert_failed<T, U>(
kind: AssertKind,7
left: &T, right: &U,
args: Option<fmt::Arguments<'_>>,8
) -> ! where
T: fmt::Debug + ?Sized,9
U: fmt::Debug + ?Sized, { assert_failed_inner(kind, &left, &right, args) }

assert_failed makes use of the AssertKind 7 assigned in the body of assert_eq!. It's not relevant to our understanding of macros, so we won't follow it any further.

The args parameter is where the party's at 8. assert_failed takes an optional fmt::Arguments, which the first assert_eq! rule fills with None, and the second rules fills with Some.

How does it get hold of a fmt::Arguments? Why, with a nested macro call, of course 6.

core::format_args! takes an expression that evaluates to a format string and zero or more arguments, then outputs a fmt::Arguments. It's implemented as a compiler built-in, but here's the signature for the curious:

macro_rules! format_args { ($fmt:expr) => {{ /* compiler built-in */ }}; ($fmt:expr, $($args:tt)*) => {{ /* compiler built-in */ }}; }

assert_eq! doesn't do very much, does it? It surely won't be going to Hogwarts.

It's a convenience that saves us from writing our own call to PartialEq::eq and constructing optional format arguments manually.

It's a very convenient convenience. I particularly like how it hides the existence of the Option<fmt::Arguments> required by assert_failed from the caller. We're busy developers, after all. Not having to write None at every assertion without format args might be the one thing standing between us and total burnout. Pray we never find out.

Write dynamic Rust with intermediate macro_rules!

Alright, let's kick it up a notch.

We've seen how to hide inconvenient code with macros but, as with any gateway drug, those entry-level macros just leave us jonesing to disguise vast amounts of ugly, generic boilerplate behind macro invocations.

The axum crate does this so effectively it makes Rust feel like a dynamic language.

axum is a web server in the Tokio ecosystem. Put its macros back in the 1600s, and they'd be immediately burned for being witches – that's how close to magic they feel.

We're people of science, however, and the Enlightenment is upon us 🧑‍🔬.

Using the IntoResponse trait and a vast number of implementations, axum can convert most objects into HTTP responses.

IntoResponse is manually implemented for all the usual suspects: &'static str, String, Box<str>, Result<T, E> where T: IntoResponse, E: IntoResponse, axum::http::StatusCode, and many, many more.

Useful, but neither surprising nor terribly impressive. It's a simple trait. Look:

pub trait IntoResponse { /// Create a response. fn into_response(self) -> Response; }

Be still, my beating heart.

What is impressive is that it implements IntoResponse for tuples of seemingly any length:

(a).into_response()(a, b).into_response()(a, b, c).into_response()(a, b, c, d).into_response()...

How does it do this? What satanic deal has been struck to attain such power? 👹

None! axum invokes no magic, only declarative macros.

macro_rules! impl_into_response {
( $($ty:ident),* $(,)? ) => { ... }10

impl_into_response! has one rule 10. It matches zero or more comma-separated idents, with an optional trailing comma.

In the rule body, there are four different implementations of IntoResponse:

macro_rules! impl_into_response { ( $($ty:ident),* $(,)? ) => {
impl<R, $($ty,)*> IntoResponse for ($($ty),*, R)11
where $( $ty: IntoResponseParts, )* R: IntoResponse, { ... }
impl<R, $($ty,)*> IntoResponse for (StatusCode, $($ty),*, R)12
where $( $ty: IntoResponseParts, )* R: IntoResponse, { ... }
impl<R, $($ty,)*> IntoResponse for (http::response::Parts, $($ty),*, R) 13
where $( $ty: IntoResponseParts, )* R: IntoResponse, { ... }
impl<R, $($ty,)*> IntoResponse for (http::response::Response<()>, $($ty),*, R)14
where $( $ty: IntoResponseParts, )* R: IntoResponse, { ... } }}

Yeesh. Hide your kids, the frail and the elderly. This code has a face to turn junior devs to stone.

Taking it impl by impl reveals that axum doesn't actually implement IntoResponse for any tuple, but for all tuples with a type corresponding to one of these implementations.

The first implements IntoResponse for tuples of the matched length, where the last item already implements IntoResponse, and all other items implement IntoResponseParts 11.

The second provides an implementation for tuples where the last item is IntoResponse, the first item is a StatusCode, and all other items implement IntoResponseParts 12.

The third swaps StatusCode for http::response::Parts 13, while the fourth uses http::Response::Response<()> as its first item 14.

Remember how assert_eq! disguised the fact that both rules called the same underlying function – assert_failed – with different arguments? Each of the impl_into_response! implementations does something similar.

You can think of each tuple-based IntoResponse implementation as a reducer that takes the IntoResponse as its initial value and iterates over each IntoResponseParts in the tuple, accumulating the parts into the response.

The first implementation is the simplest:

impl<R, $($ty,)*> IntoResponse for ($($ty),*, R) where $( $ty: IntoResponseParts, )* R: IntoResponse, { fn into_response(self) -> Response {
let ($($ty),*, res) = self;15
let res = res.into_response();
let parts = ResponseParts { res };16
$( let parts = match $ty.into_response_parts(parts) { Ok(parts) => parts, Err(err) => {
return err.into_response();17
} };
} }

It starts by separating the IntoResponse from the other tuple items 15. It immediately calls into_response on it, then sets that Response as the res field of a new ResponseParts object 16.

We then iterate over the remaining items in the tuple, calling their into_response_parts methods with the parts accumulated so far, then redefining parts to hold the return value, which becomes the input for the next iteration 18.

If any into_response_parts returns an error, the iteration short-circuits with an error response 17.

If the iteration succeeds, the final Response contained inside parts is returned 19.

The second and third implementations follow the same principle, but the response they build is wrapped in a new, two-item tuple whose first item is either a StatusCode or an http::response::Parts, depending on the input.

The Response returned is the result of calling into_response on this intermediate tuple:

impl<R, $($ty,)*> IntoResponse for (StatusCode, $($ty),*, R) where $( $ty: IntoResponseParts, )* R: IntoResponse, { fn into_response(self) -> Response { let (status, $($ty),*, res) = self; let res = res.into_response(); let parts = ResponseParts { res }; $( let parts = match $ty.into_response_parts(parts) { Ok(parts) => parts, Err(err) => { return err.into_response(); } }; )* (status, parts.res).into_response() } }

axum provides manual implementations for these special two-item cases. The StatusCode tuple is trivial:

impl<R> IntoResponse for (StatusCode, R) where R: IntoResponse, { fn into_response(self) -> Response { let mut res = self.1.into_response(); *res.status_mut() = self.0; res } }

The http::response::Parts implementation is far more exciting, because it invokes another macro-generated implementation to output the final response.

impl<R> IntoResponse for (http::response::Parts, R) where R: IntoResponse, { fn into_response(self) -> Response { let (parts, res) = self;
(parts.status, parts.headers, parts.extensions, res).into_response()20
} }

The call at 20 is actually a call to the second, generated IntoResponse implementation for tuples with leading StatusCodes.

And what do you know? It looks like the fourth and final implementation results in a call to the third implementation, with leading http::response::Parts:

impl<R, $($ty,)*> IntoResponse for (http::response::Response<()>, $($ty),*, R) where $( $ty: IntoResponseParts, )* R: IntoResponse, { fn into_response(self) -> Response { let (template, $($ty),*, res) = self; let (parts, ()) = template.into_parts(); (parts, $($ty),*, res).into_response() } }

Wait. I've said impl_into_response matches zero or more idents... but where do the idents come from? Who's giving these idents to impl_into_response to generate the implementations?

Buckle up.

// axum/axum-core/src/response/into_response.rsall_the_tuples_no_last_special_case!(impl_into_response);

Apply pressure to the nosebleed and tilt your head forward until it clots.

Yes, my friend, we've got macros within macros. all_the_tuples_no_last_special_case! takes the impl_into_response! identifier as an argument. And why not? Macros operate on tokens, and the name of a macro is just another token!

How is all_the_tuples_no_last_special_case! defined?

macro_rules! all_the_tuples_no_last_special_case { ($name:ident) => { $name!(T1); $name!(T1, T2); $name!(T1, T2, T3); $name!(T1, T2, T3, T4); $name!(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5); $name!(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6); $name!(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7); $name!(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8); $name!(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9); $name!(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10); $name!(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11); $name!(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12); $name!(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13); $name!(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14); $name!(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15); $name!(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16); }; }

This is the Rust equivalent of learning that Santa isn't real.

There's no magic here. The Easter Bunny has been shot. Rust is not, shockingly, a dynamic language. And it still doesn't support variadic parameters.

axum appears to implement IntoResponse for tuples of arbitrary length, provided they have the type signatures we've discussed.

In reality, it statically implements IntoResponse for tuples with a maximum length of 16 by passing increasing numbers of identifiers to impl_into_response!.

The names of these idents are arbitrary, but must be unique within each impl_into_response! invocation, or we'd force the tuple items with matching idents to have the same type.

You don't need to know what types the idents T1..=T16 represent in advance. This is an advantage of using ident instead of ty fragments in this scenario, even though these are, conceptually, types.

Each of these placeholders becomes a generic parameter of the implementations generated by impl_into_response!. They only become concrete when your code calls them with specific types.

Advanced Rust macro_rules! for normalization, counting and concurrency

Are you ready to impress your friends at dinner parties?*

Once you wrap your head around this next one, no macro will stand in your way.

We're going to downtown Tokio for a walking tour of the join! macro.

join! takes a list of async expressions and evaluates them concurrently. Concurrently, not in parallel – all expressions are multiplexed to the same Tokio task. It returns once all branches are done executing.

Amusingly, concurrency is by far the least intimidating part of this code. Grab a notepad; it'll help.

Let's start with my favorite rule:

#[macro_export]macro_rules! join { () => { async {}.await }}

If you call join! with no args, it awaits a no-op Future that completes immediately 💯. Tokio expertise intensifies.

My second-favorite branch is the standard entry point for user calls to join!:

#[macro_export]macro_rules! join { // ===== Entry point =====
( $($e:expr),+ $(,)?) => {21
$crate::join!(@{ () (0) } $($e,)*)22
}; () => { async {}.await }}

No cause for alarm at 21. This matches one or more comma-separated expressions with an optional trailing comma. These are the async expressions we want join! to run.

22 is a bit... funky. It calls join! recursively, passing whatever the hell @{ () (0) } is, along with all of the input expressions.

Curious, no?

At first, this recursive call gets matched by the rule labeled "Normalize":

#[macro_export]macro_rules! join { // ===== Normalize =====
(@ { ( $($s:tt)* ) ( $($n:tt)* ) $($t:tt)* } $e:expr, $($r:tt)* ) => {23
$crate::join!(@{ ($($s)* _) ($($n)* + 1) $($t)* ($($s)*) $e, } $($r)*)24
}; // ===== Entry point ===== ( $($e:expr),+ $(,)?) => { $crate::join!(@{ () (0) } $($e,)*) }; () => { async {}.await }}

This is where your head may start to spin.

The normalize arm matches three things from the peculiar @{...} construct 23:

  1. $s, zero or more TokenTrees wrapped by (). This corresponds to () in the entry point rule, so we know that $s is initially empty.
  2. $n, also zero or more TokenTrees wrapped by (). This corresponds to (0) in the entry point rule, so $n is initially a list containing 0.
  3. $t is zero or more TokenTrees without surrounding parentheses. We don't have any of these in the entry point.

It also matches two things from outside the @{...} construct 23:

  1. $e, an expression. This is the first of the async expressions matched by the entry point.
  2. $r, which represents "everything else". This is all the other expressions.

Well, what do you know? The body of this rule is another recursive call to join! 24. And it is wild.

$s gets expanded into the first set of parentheses within the @{...} construct, and suffixed with an underscore.

$n gets expanded into the second set of parentheses within the @{...} construct, and suffixed with + 1. The sum isn't evaluated – the token literal "+1" is just tacked onto the end of whatever's inside $n.

$t is expanded into the @{...} construct, without wrapping parentheses.

That's followed by the matched value of $s, this time without a trailing underscore 🤷.

The matched async expression, $e, is the last item to be added to the @{...} construct.

The rest of the async expressions, $r, are fed back into the join! call outside of the @{...} construct.

It feels like we've taken the head off the list of async expressions and placed it inside @{...}, along with a substantial amount of nonsense. This item is then considered "normalized", and we recurse with the accumulated normalized data and the rest of the list.

This process has echoes of the reductions used by assert_eq! and impl_into_response – on steroids.

Let's pause here to look at an example, because thinking about this is causing a weird ringing in my ears.

Consider this two-expression join! call from the Tokio docs:

let (first, second) = tokio::join!( do_stuff_async(), more_async_work(),);

This matches the entry point rule of join!.

The entry point, in turn, triggers a normalize match with these args:

join!(@{ () (0) }, do_stuff_async(), more_async_work(),)

The normalize branch leads to another recursion, this time with the following args:

join!(@{ (_) (0+1) () do_stuff_async(), } more_async_work(),)

What matches this? Normalize again.

This time, $s is _, $n is 0+1, $t is a list containing the TokenTrees () and do_stuff_async(), $e is more_async_work(), and $r is empty.

This leads to a further call to join!:

join!(@{ (__) (0+1+1) () do_stuff_async(), (_) more_async_work(), })

The normalize branch no longer matches this, since there are no async expressions outside the @{...} construct.

Inspecting the fourth and final rule, things come into focus. Here's the pattern:

(@ { // One `_` for each branch in the `join!` macro. This is not used once // normalization is complete.
( $($count:tt)* )24
// The expression `0+1+1+ ... +1` equal to the number of branches.
( $($total:tt)* )25
// Normalized join! branches
$( ( $($skip:tt)* ) $e:expr, )*26
}) => {...}

The normalization process is designed to build this zany, macro-specific data structure from the standard Rust expressions passed into join! by the caller.

It consists of:

  • The delimiter for the data structure, @ {...}.
  • $count, in the form of zero or more underscores in parentheses.
  • $total, of the form 0+1+1+ ... +1.
  • A list of pairs of the form (__..._) async_expr,. The underscores are matched by $skip, and the expression is matched by $e.

Let's break this down.

Private macro rules in Rust

@ {...} isn't some esoteric Rust syntax you haven't seen before. It's not valid Rust at all! It's merely a pattern of tokens, matched by the macro, to help structure its inputs. The authors could also have chosen @@@ {...}, @pufferfish {...} or hobgoblins {...}.

Prefixing like this has two benefits:

  • A leading @ effectively marks a macro rule as private, since no sensible user would structure their own inputs this way. This is preferable to having join! call a separate macro, because, for join! to depend on it, that macro would also have to be exported with #[macro_export], making it an explicit part of Tokio's public API.
  • The curly braces give the normalize rule a way to distinguish processed from unprocessed inputs as it recurses (they're not required to make the rule "private").

Counting with macro_rules!

The leading underscores, @{ (__) ...} matched by $count are used by the normalizer to track which async expression it's currently normalizing, and prefix that expression with the correct number of underscores 24.

Since the initial input $s is (), the normalizer places no underscores in front of the do_stuff_async() branch, resulting in the TokenTrees () and do_stuff_async() being added to the normalized structure.

On the second recursion, $s is (_), which causes the next two TokenTrees to be (_) and more_async_work().

Doesn't this seem like a complex way to count? After all, the matched $total 25 is a numeric expression: 0+1+1, in the case of our example.

To understand the difference between $total and $count, we need to look at the body of the rule.

I've omitted the authors' comments about how this code works except where they relate specifically to the macro expansion. Focus on the numbered lines, but please do study the original when we're done – it's informative on the broader topics of async, safety and Tokio internals.

use $crate::macros::support::{maybe_done, poll_fn, Future, Pin}; use $crate::macros::support::Poll::{Ready, Pending};
let mut futures = ( $( maybe_done($e), )* );27
let mut futures = &mut futures; let mut skip_next_time: u32 = 0;
poll_fn(move |cx| {28
const COUNT: u32 = $($total)*;29
let mut is_pending = false; let mut to_run = COUNT; let mut skip = skip_next_time; skip_next_time = if skip + 1 == COUNT { 0 } else { skip + 1 }; loop {
if skip == 0 { if to_run == 0 { break; } to_run -= 1; // Extract the future for this branch from the tuple.
let ( $($skip,)* fut, .. ) = &mut *futures;31
let mut fut = unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(fut) }; if fut.poll(cx).is_pending() { is_pending = true; } } else { skip -= 1; } )* } if is_pending { Pending } else { Ready(($({ // Extract the future for this branch from the tuple.
let ( $($skip,)* fut, .. ) = &mut futures;32
let mut fut = unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(fut) }; fut.take_output().expect("expected completed future") },)*)) } }).await

Examining how $total gets used 29 , we see that the sum is evaluated to a numeric constant at compile time: const COUNT: u32 = $($total)*. This is how the poll_fn closure 28, not the macro, knows how many async branches it's dealing with.

The closure sets up a polling loop for the tuple of Futures created from each of the async expressions at 27. Within this loop, all of the code at 30 is repeated for each $skip $e pair in the normalized input.

$skip, as we know, is a variable number of underscores. The first expression is associated with zero underscores, the second expression with one underscore, and so on.

Why underscores?

This really is such an impressive insight from the authors. Consider me a fanboy.

An underscore is the syntax used in Rust patterns to mean "match anything".

Within the loop, for each $skip $e pair, the code at 31 matches the Future in futures corresponding to the number of underscores in $skip.

let ( $($skip,)* fut, .. ) = &mut *futures;

When $skip is empty, the Future at position 0 gets matched. This corresponds to do_stuff_async.

When $skip is _, the assignment is let (_, fut, ..) = &mut *futures, matching the Future associated with more_async_work.

The same technique is used to generate the return value of join! from all the completed Futures 32.

This is all stored on the stack. No heap allocations required.

"Smart", you might think, "but couldn't we do this more readably with array indexing?"

We've already seen how to calculate a numeric constant from a list of tokens. Why not store the Futures in an array, and associate each async expression with an index in the form (0) do_stuff_async(), (0+1) more_async_work?

This would result in the correct indices, it's true. But unlike tuples, arrays must be homogeneous. This would force the Output type of all Futures to be the same.

The join! macro's compile-time tuple manipulation avoids this limitation entirely.

Rust macros rule

There you have it – three, production-grade Rust macros at varying degrees of complexity but not a speck of magic dust between them.

The best way to continue dispelling the aura that surrounds macro_rules! is to write your own, and supplement by studying code that takes you outside your comfort zone. Try the exercises at the end of this guide for some practice.

This is the path to exceptional software engineering. By setting out to study macros from great Rust devs, we've broadened our knowledge of the standard library, HTTP handling and async too.

Thanks for joining me on the journey.

What are some of the best macros you've seen in the Rust ecosystem? Let me know in the comments below!

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