Make a Berry Good Morning Juice


What a perfect way to start the morning.

I love fresh fruit for breakfast and this juice recipe will put a smile on your face for the rest of the day and also give you plenty of energy.

If you don’t have fresh strawberries or blueberries, you can use thawed frozen berries instead (it is also a good cost effect way to buy them). 

I also recommend you remove the green tops from the strawberries before juicing them.


Sweet and tangy with a thick, and creamy texture almost like a smoothie.

  • 400g strawberries

  • 200g blueberries

  • 4 oranges

    Juicing Time: 4 mins
    Juice Qty:
    1000 ml



  • Remove the green stems and leaves (they can be juiced but taste better when removed)

  • Juice whole


  • No preparation require

  • Juice whole


  • Remove the orange skin leaving as much white pith as possible which contains many beneficial nutrients

  • Juice whole or cut in half if too big to fit into the wide chute


I like to close the smart cap on the juicer before beginning this juice.

Start by adding the strawberries, then the blueberries and let the juicer blend them all together with the smart cap closed.

When mixed open the cap and release the juice into the juice jug.

Finish by juicing the oranges on at a time. Let the juicer run until all the pulp has been pushed through the juicer.


Tip: if you don’t have scales to measure the berries then use 1.5 punnets of strawberries (250g each) and 1.5 punnets of blueberries (125g each).

Health Benefits

Strawberries are a true superfood. They are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They rebuild, repair, and rejuvenate the body. Loaded with Vitamin C they help to boost the immune system by warding off colds, flu, and respiratory infections.

Strawberries can also help maintain a healthy heart rhythm and heart muscle strength.

They contain ellagic acid and flavonoids which are good for cardiovascular health and can help prevent heart disease, stroke, and help to lower cholesterol.

Strawberries are also well known for being beneficial for age-related macular degeneration and vision-related issues.

When strawberries are allowed to ripen on the plant, they are higher in vitamin C. They are also high in potassium, sodium, and iron.


The most intriguing health benefit of fresh blueberries is that they may actually reverse the loss of short-term memory that happens as we age.

They also act as an unusual type of pro-biotic by blocking the attachment of bacteria that cause urinary tract infections. They contain chemicals that curb diarrhea and also have viral activity and are high in natural

Anthocyanin is the pigment that makes the blueberries blue and is thought to be responsible for the major health benefit of preventing cancer.

Blueberries are believed to have one of the highest antioxidant levels of all common fruits and vegetables.


Oranges help quench your thirst and moisten your lungs, letting the energy flow freely in the chest. They also have a wide variety of phytonutrient compounds like anthocyanins, citrus flavanones, and various polyphenols.

Oranges are full of lung-friendly antioxidants and packed with vitamin C which is well known for fighting infection and inflammation.

The whole food type of vitamin C, found in oranges, stimulates your body’s immune system into action so you can say goodbye to your cold and may even reduce the length of time you feel sick or even how seriously it develops.

Oranges destroy free radicals that cause signs of skin aging, scouring the intestine and flushing toxins from the body.  Freshly squeezed orange juice is a predigested food. This allows for immediate absorption of all its abundant healing properties.
