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XOXO notes

Andy Baio:

This is an experimental festival, so things go wrong. I hope you bear with us

It is an experimental festival about independent art and technology, but about the challenges as well as successes

Talking about imposter syndrome, anxiety and harassment , not cynicism and snark

Andy McMillan:

Most of today's schedule was created by the slack channels, not by us

If we do another one we could let you make up the whole schedule and we can relax

This is not a tech conference, we use the whole word technology.

Female identified attendees are up to 45% this year, people of colour 20% - the diversity question really helped

@ashedryden was a huge help with all the diversity work this year. We are forever in her debt

We have patrons rather than sponsors - you aren't being handed zip drives and beer cosies with logos on

Mailchimp helped us brew our own beer, so we are on a beer label now

We brewed our own beer, but we also have a dedicated non alcohol bar thanks to slack, named with emoji

Andy Baio:

If something is wrong and we're neglecting, let us know. Give us a chance to fix it

Andy McMillan:

We have a court Stenographer transcribing all the talks for medium if you want quotations for your posts

Andy Baio:

Every one gets a water bottle canteen and field notes. There is a weird secondary market for those on eBay

Andy McMillan:

We also have a choice of conduct, which is a very good idea. Almost everyone agrees with this.

If you want to report anything, come to us or to people in staff shirts. We have removed badges from peeps before

We have reserved quiet spaces on the roof and in the bar inside the 2nd floor

Andy Baio:

This is a festival largely composed of introverts, so don't feel weird about talking to people here

Andy Baio:

there are times when I curate things for xoxo that really speak to me, and is one of those

They wee the only ones poking fun while everyone was investing in garbage and driving valuations up

they wrote one post a day in a narrow column in courier full of links -the 1st collaboration 14 year since suck died

Joey Anuff:

most people who collaborate grow to hate one anothers' guts - that's the dramatic arc

Andy told us we'd have the greatest density of suck fans ever assembled in one place

Carl Steadman:

and on the other hand, that no-one would remember who we are

Joey Anuff:

we ended up representing the web -sometime that's the only chance you get, to fill in the gaping content hole

All the fun was done by the time we got to 2000. I was on the national committee on intellectual property rights

Another hero of mine - an unironic hero - @aaronsw. I was so touched that he put up a full archive of suck

When Aaron got busted for the JSTOR heist, I thought that was a really worthy thing to do

Carl Steadman:

when you are building this digital archive, do you think you are leaving a legacy?

I confessed to Joey that I have every commercial font ever, but I really like Caslon

If you ever see my things, even if it is just twitter, you should see them in Caslon

Joey Anuff:

Is Caslon a script font? Oh, wait, I am thinking of Papyrus

Carl Steadman:

You know, joey, there were times I was so glad you did not succeed

Joey Anuff:

that reminds me of when Ev Williams came to us at Automatic and I thought he might succeed, and I didn't like that

The Kim Dotcom era 2009-2001

Andy Baio:

i don't listen to many podcatss - I don't have a commute - but TL;DR became a must-listen to me at once

PJ Vogt:

Tim Howard: do you guys want this? [plays them song sting]

we host story about the internet - tonight we talk about a place where people try destroy other people's businesses: Yelp

Alex Kidd:

"at the end of the play the audience was so stunned, we didn't realise we were supposed to clap until an actor bowed"

this is the crazy thing about "Perfect crime" - it is the worst reviewed play on the net, and it has run for 28 years

PJ Vogt:

We tried to answer the question "how can you keep a one and a half star play running for almost 3 decades?" and "why?"

When you leave the theatre they hand you an answer key that inlcudes questions like "who killed whom?"

Alex Kidd:

we had a meeting the other day

PJ Vogt:

a two hour meeting about a tweet about our radio show

Alex Kidd:

Catherine says she works 16 hour days - she takes tickets; she cleans the theatre, so she can be with other actors

PJ Vogt:

everyone here at XOXO is working on something dumb with their friends that they feel hopeful about