One day as Daroach was chilling on his own, he was suddenly smooshed under a massive poofy diaper butt, that diaper butt belonging to Azzy in his plump plush flowey form. As Azzy continued with the smooshing, he let out some poofy pamp braps which triggered something within Daroach as the mouse kept squirming under his siblings poofy butt. His fur became darker and became plush material just like Flowey Azzy, his bottom half swelling and bwoomping up massively making Azzy get off of him, with Daroach’s hat and cape turning from red to a dark purple. Not only that but his pamp also changed from red to shades of pink and purple, with a moving hypnotic swirl on his growing poofy butt. Once Daroach’s transformation was done, he gave a mischievous smile before wobbling his massive poofy butt in front of Azzy, hypnotically inviting Azzy to come smoosh his face on the poofy pamp butt. Afterwards, Daroach had some fun with Azzy, with the plush flowey goat’s face smooshed deep into Daroach’s plump poofy diaper this had awaken Daroach new form Dark Daroach who is his darker side with his own personality has no desire for evil and he more in line with the mischievous ways form that day on started to show up when ever Daroach feel very mischievous then normal.
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Category Artwork (Traditional) / All
Species Mouse
Gender Male
Size 2150 x 1714px
File Size 817.6 kB