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FUJITSUBO Technology

  • Japanese

Fujitsubo's spirit is to "produce the highest quality products". This has not changed since Fujitsubo was first established in 1931. This spirit does not only pertain to creating highly efficient and high quality exhausts and manifolds, but it also applies to our customer's satisfaction. This is the reason Research and development is performed with people, motor vehicles, society, environment etc, all thought as one, to create a product through diversity.

Fujitsubo is continuously pursuing advanced technologies. A chassis dynometer, 1/3 octave band sound analysis device, and other specialized equipment are utilized to accumulate important data from the latest technologies. Increased productivity through advanced 3D laser processing machines and automated pipe benders. Strict quality control with CCD cameras, image analysis software, and 3D CAD. Cumulative performance analysis through actual vehicle testing. This type of research, development, and production structure has led to the Fujitsubo patented exhaust manifold (Pat. No. 1320379).


High-precision processing achieves smooth exhaust, strength and light weight against turbulence and leakage of exhaust flow due to steps, and play and looseness due to vibration. High quality is ensured by special welding technology.

Straight Layout

Through research is performed on each application to find the most efficient and free flowing path for the exhaust from the main pipe to the exhaust tip.

Lightweight Press Mold Flange

A lightweight press mould flange has been implemented in the product dissection department to research lightweight technology. Intense strength of t=2.3mm has been achieved (some products not included).

Lost wax manufacturing method

Light weight with precise product quality and effective thinning.

Donut type Joint

Stress on the exhaust system has been successfully decreased through high quality flex joints. Vibration from engine and chassis are absorbed by the flex joint reducing stress to the exhaust system.

Dedicated lightweight bracket

The lightweight brackets used in Super Ti, Legalis Super R, Power Getter, RM-01A, etc. ensure sufficient strength and durability.

Lightweight hollow pipe stay

Lightweight hollow pipe stay with header. We realize weight saving more than 50% in comparison with solid wood and prevention of support rubber coming off.

Stay mounting part for thin material

The concentration of stress is prevented through the base plate.

Main Silencer

In order to maximize the high efficiency and noise reduction effect, it is set for each model.Punching pipes, stainless steel demisters, glass wool, cut wool, etc. are used as sound deadening materials. It achieves a sporty exhaust sound with improved exhaust efficiency and unique sound tuning.

Straight structure

Reactive structure

Dual pipe system structure

Face Process / Weld

Surface processing

Change the surface for each product or place of use such as polishing and hairline. Beautiful surface treatment is proof of high quality.

SUS304 stainless weld

By TIG welding, it has good strength and durability while maintaining its beautiful appearance.


  • 製品の構造は同種商品でも車種によって異なる場合があります。
  • サイレンサー形状は製品及び車種により異なる場合があります。
  • 排気管のダブル出口、左右出口の場合、均等に排気しないことがあります。
  • 排気管が左右出口の場合、車両の個体差、諸条件等により左右均等に装着できない場合があります。
  • 記載対応車種でも車両の個体差、諸条件等により装着できない場合があります。
  • 不正改造車に取り付けた場合のクレームには応じかねますので、ご了承ください。
  • スポーツマフラーは消耗部品です。経年変化等により、本来の性能が損なわれた場合には速やかに交換してください。
  • エンジンコンディションが悪化した車両に装着した場合、カーボン等の発生により稀に排気音量が増大することがあります。
  • 一部製品について装着車両の標準地上高が変わりますので、路面の突起物や駐車場の車輪止めなどに接触しないよう充分に注意してください。
  • 製品は装着状態において走行後、熱による金属の収縮によりピーン・カーンといった音を発生する場合があります。
  • 製品は材質の特性上、熱の影響等で変色します。
  • 「スポーツキャタライザー」は第三者機関での自動車排出ガス試験成績表のコピーを添付しております。車検の際はお近くの車検場または検査機関へご相談ください。
  • カシメ加工タイプのサイレンサーの場合、スポーツマフラーに要求される気密精度(0.03MPa時 吐出量10L/min)は保持していますが、一部車種によっては水滴が垂れる場合があります。
  • FUJITSUBO製品は皆様に安心して御使用いただけるよう、ユーザー様の管理・登録を行っております。つきましては商品に同梱されているユーザー登録カード(登録ハガキ)を参照し、登録を行って下さい。

Racing Know-how

Fujitsubo continues to challenge. The Fujitsubo Impreza takes part in the Super Taikyu endurance racing series. Valuable experience is acquired in a variety of motorsports activities. This assists in new product development and drives development of new innovative technologies, meeting the needs change, which is thought as a valuable asset.

International standards ISO9001: 2015 Certification

ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is the International Organization for Standardization. The ISO9001 series is an international standard for quality assurance of the International Organization for Standardization. Among them, FUJITSUBO has obtained ISO9001: 2015 certification, which must meet and maintain strict requirements from ordering to design, development, manufacturing, and shipment.