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IJAT Vol.10 No.3 pp. 364-371
doi: 10.20965/ijat.2016.p0364


Two-Layer Tool with Hardness Distribution Around Tool Edge for Reducing Cutting Forces in CFRP Machining

Satoru Maegawa, Shinya Hayakawa, Fumihiro Itoigawa, and Takashi Nakamura

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology
Gokiso-cho, Showa-ku, Nagoya, Aichi 466-8555, Japan

Corresponding author, E-mail:

October 1, 2015
January 4, 2016
May 2, 2016
carbon-fiber-reinforced plastics, cutting, tool life, abrasive wear, cutting force
This study presents a method for extending the life of tools in cutting of Carbon-fiber-reinforced plastics (CFRP). In the previous study, our research group found that the use of two layer tool, which has a wear resistance distribution due to the use of a combination of two different materials with different hardnesses, is effective for decreasing cutting force during machining of CFRP composites. In the two layer tool, a narrow region of the flank face close to the tool edge and the whole of the rake face were made of a material with a relatively high wear resistance, e.g., diamond or polycrystalline diamond (PCD). In contrast, the other region of the flank face was made of a material with a relatively low wear resistance, e.g., tungsten carbide (WC-Co). In this study, based on some experiments, the effect of the thickness of high wear resistance region on the reduction effects of cutting forces was investigated.
Cite this article as:
S. Maegawa, S. Hayakawa, F. Itoigawa, and T. Nakamura, “Two-Layer Tool with Hardness Distribution Around Tool Edge for Reducing Cutting Forces in CFRP Machining,” Int. J. Automation Technol., Vol.10 No.3, pp. 364-371, 2016.
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