Gender of first name Sandeep Boy Girl
Sandeep overview
Sandeep in 14 countries
Between 1880 and 2022, 945 boys and 598 girls were born with the Name Sandeep
The country where the first name Sandeep is the most common is:
British Columbia
Gender of first name Sandeep : Boy 61.24%

Sandeep -
Boys (1880 - 2022)

Sandeep -
Girls (1880 - 2022)

Sandeep (All) (1880 - 2022)
Phonetically close | Sandeepa, Sandeip, Sandep, Sandev, Sandeva, Sandford, Sandibal, Sandibel, Sandip, Sandipa |
Previous | Sandeepa, Sandeepan, Sandeeparushandi, Sandeer, Sandeha, Sandei, Sandeip, Sandel, Sandele, Sandeley |
Next | Sandeela, Sandeel, Sandee, Sandea, Sande, Sanddy, Sandati, Sandasi, Sandas, Sandaru |
Sandeep by country
Sandeep in British Columbia
Between 1919 and 2022, 161 boys and 279 girls were born with the Name Sandeep
Gender of first name Sandeep in British Columbia is : Girl 63.41%
Peak year : 1980 with 35 births
Gender of first name Sandeep in British Columbia
Boy Girl
Sandeep - Boys British Columbia (1919 - 2022)
Sandeep - Girls British Columbia (1919 - 2022)
Sandeep - Boys & GirlsBritish Columbia (1919 - 2022)
Sandeep in Ontario
Between 1913 and 2019, 203 boys and 72 girls were born with the Name Sandeep
Gender of first name Sandeep in Ontario is : Boy 73.82%
Peak year : 1993 with 24 births
Gender of first name Sandeep in Ontario
Boy Girl
Sandeep - Boys Ontario (1913 - 2019)
Sandeep - Girls Ontario (1913 - 2019)
Sandeep - Boys & GirlsOntario (1913 - 2019)
Sandeep in United Kingdom
Between 1996 and 2021, 170 boys and 104 girls were born with the Name Sandeep
Gender of first name Sandeep in United Kingdom is : Boy 62.04%
Peak year : 1996 with 36 births
Gender of first name Sandeep in United Kingdom
Boy Girl
Sandeep - Boys United Kingdom (1996 - 2021)
Sandeep - Girls United Kingdom (1996 - 2021)
Sandeep - Boys & GirlsUnited Kingdom (1996 - 2021)
Sandeep in United State of America
Between 1880 and 2022, 224 boys and 43 girls were born with the Name Sandeep
Gender of first name Sandeep in United State of America is : Boy 83.9%
Peak years : 1989, 1997 with 20 births
Gender of first name Sandeep in United State of America
Boy Girl
Sandeep - Boys United State of America (1880 - 2022)
Sandeep - Girls United State of America (1880 - 2022)
Sandeep - Boys & GirlsUnited State of America (1880 - 2022)
Sandeep in Alberta
Between 1980 and 2022, 47 boys and 33 girls were born with the Name Sandeep
Gender of first name Sandeep in Alberta is : Unisex - Boy 58.75% / Girl 41.25%
Peak years : 1983, 1986, 1987, 1988 with 6 births
Gender of first name Sandeep in Alberta
Boy Girl
Sandeep - Boys Alberta (1980 - 2022)
Sandeep - Girls Alberta (1980 - 2022)
Sandeep - Boys & GirlsAlberta (1980 - 2022)
Sandeep in Switzerland
Between 1909 and 2021, 71 boys were born with the Name Sandeep
Gender of first name Sandeep in Switzerland is : Boy 100%
Peak years : 1982, 1984 with 5 births
Gender of first name Sandeep in Switzerland
Boy Girl
Sandeep - Boys Switzerland (1909 - 2021)
Sandeep in Italy
Between 1999 and 2021, 21 boys and 23 girls were born with the Name Sandeep
Gender of first name Sandeep in Italy is : Unisex - Boy 47.73% / Girl 52.27%
Peak year : 2007 with 7 births
Gender of first name Sandeep in Italy
Boy Girl
Sandeep - Boys Italy (1999 - 2021)
Sandeep - Girls Italy (1999 - 2021)
Sandeep - Boys & GirlsItaly (1999 - 2021)
Sandeep in Quebec
Between 1980 and 2022, 26 boys and 13 girls were born with the Name Sandeep
Gender of first name Sandeep in Quebec is : Boy 66.67%
Peak year : 1993 with 5 births
Gender of first name Sandeep in Quebec
Boy Girl
Sandeep - Boys Quebec (1980 - 2022)
Sandeep - Girls Quebec (1980 - 2022)
Sandeep - Boys & GirlsQuebec (1980 - 2022)
Sandeep in Germany
Between 2000 and 2022, 12 boys and 7 girls were born with the Name Sandeep
Gender of first name Sandeep in Germany is : Boy 63.16%
Peak year : 2021 with 7 births
Gender of first name Sandeep in Germany
Boy Girl
Sandeep - Boys Germany (2000 - 2022)
Sandeep - Girls Germany (2000 - 2022)
Sandeep - Boys & GirlsGermany (2000 - 2022)
Sandeep in Argentina
Between 1922 and 2015, 15 girls were born with the Name Sandeep
Gender of first name Sandeep in Argentina is : Girl 100%
Peak year : 1981 with 5 births
Gender of first name Sandeep in Argentina
Boy Girl
Sandeep - Girls Argentina (1922 - 2015)
Sandeep in Austria
Between 1984 and 2021, 2 boys and 5 girls were born with the Name Sandeep
Gender of first name Sandeep in Austria is : Girl 71.43%
Gender of first name Sandeep in Austria
Boy Girl
Sandeep - Boys Austria (1984 - 2021)
Sandeep - Girls Austria (1984 - 2021)
Sandeep - Boys & GirlsAustria (1984 - 2021)
Sandeep in Denmark
Between 1985 and 2022, 4 boys and 2 girls were born with the Name Sandeep
Gender of first name Sandeep in Denmark is : Boy 66.67%
Gender of first name Sandeep in Denmark
Boy Girl
Sandeep - Boys Denmark (1985 - 2022)
Sandeep - Girls Denmark (1985 - 2022)
Sandeep - Boys & GirlsDenmark (1985 - 2022)
Sandeep in Australia
Between 1930 and 2022, 2 boys and 2 girls were born with the Name Sandeep
Gender of first name Sandeep in Australia is : Unisex - Boy 50% / Girl 50%
Peak year : 1987 with 2 births
Gender of first name Sandeep in Australia
Boy Girl
Sandeep - Boys Australia (1930 - 2022)
Sandeep - Girls Australia (1930 - 2022)
Sandeep - Boys & GirlsAustralia (1930 - 2022)
Sandeep in Czechoslovakia
Between 1900 and 2016, 2 boys were born with the Name Sandeep
Gender of first name Sandeep in Czechoslovakia is : Boy 100%
Gender of first name Sandeep in Czechoslovakia
Boy Girl
Sandeep - Boys Czechoslovakia (1900 - 2016)
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