Between 1880 and 2022, 1 boy and 14,072 girls were born with the Name Brandie The country where the first name Brandie is the most common is: United State of America Gender of first name Brandie : Girl 99.99%
Between 1880 and 2022, 13,666 girls were born with the Name Brandie Gender of first name Brandie in United State of America is : Girl 100% Peak year : 1982 with 802 births
Between 1913 and 2019, 237 girls were born with the Name Brandie Gender of first name Brandie in Ontario is : Girl 100% Peak year : 1975 with 19 births
Between 1980 and 2022, 1 boy and 87 girls were born with the Name Brandie Gender of first name Brandie in Alberta is : Girl 98.86% Peak years : 1980, 1982 with 12 births
Between 1919 and 2022, 63 girls were born with the Name Brandie Gender of first name Brandie in British Columbia is : Girl 100% Peak year : 1976 with 10 births
Between 1996 and 2021, 12 girls were born with the Name Brandie Gender of first name Brandie in United Kingdom is : Girl 100% Peak year : 1997 with 5 births
Between 1980 and 2022, 6 girls were born with the Name Brandie Gender of first name Brandie in Quebec is : Girl 100% Peak year : 1981 with 2 births
Between 1985 and 2022, 1 girl was born with the Name Brandie Gender of first name Brandie in Denmark is : Girl 100%