whip with or as if with a wire whisk "whisk the eggs" -
brush or wipe off lightly -
move somewhere quickly "The President was whisked away in his limo" -
move quickly and nimbly "He whisked into the house" -
a small short-handled broom used to brush clothes -
a mixer incorporating a coil of wires; used for whipping eggs or cream
A game at cards; whist. -
A kind of cape, forming part of a woman's dress. "My wife in her new lace whisk ." -
A plane used by coopers for evening chines. -
A small bunch of grass, straw, twigs, hair, or the like, used for a brush; hence, a brush or small besom, as of broom corn. -
A small culinary instrument made of wire, or the like, for whisking or beating eggs, cream, etc. -
An impertinent fellow. -
The act of whisking; a rapid, sweeping motion, as of something light; a sudden motion or quick puff. "This first sad whisk Takes off thy dukedom; thou art but an earl." -
To move nimbly at with velocity; to make a sudden agile movement. -
To move with a quick, sweeping motion. "He that walks in gray, whisking his riding rod.", "I beg she would not impale worms, nor whisk carp out of one element into another."
A wisp or small bunch, as of grass, hair, or straw; specifically, such a wisp used as a brush, broom, or besom, and especially in modern usage one made of the ripened panicle of broom-corn (see broom-corn and Sorghum), used for brushing the dust off clothes, etc. -
An instrument used for whisking, agitating, or beating certain articles, such as cream or eggs. -
A coopers' plane for leveling the chimes of casks. -
A neckerchief worn by women in the seventeenth century. Also called falling-whisk, apparently in distinction from the ruff. -
A brief, rapid sweeping motion as of something light; a sudden stroke, whiff, puff, or gale. -
A servant. -
An impertinent follow. -
To sweepor brush with a light, rapid motion: as, to whisk the dust from a table. -
To agitate or mix with a light, rapid motion; beat: as, to whisk eggs. -
To move with a quick, sweeping motion or flourish; move briskly. -
To flourish about. -
To carry suddenly and rapidly; whirl. -
To move with a quick, sweeping motion; move nimbly and swiftly: as, to whisk away. -
The game of whist.
hwisk to move with a quick motion: to sweep or stir rapidly -
to move nimbly and rapidly -
a rapid sweeping motion: a small bunch of anything used for a brush: a small instrument for beating or whisking, esp. eggs -
hwisk whist.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary Probably for wisk, and of Scand. origin; cf. Icel. visk, a wisp; akin to Dan. visk, Sw. viska, D. wisch, OHG. wisc, G. wisch,. See Wisp
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary So called from the rapid action of sweeping the cards off the table after a trick has been won.
In a medium bowl, whisk together all ingredients until well combined. kake.com
Whisk together till thoroughly combined. tok.com
Salad dressings are whisked with carrot ginger jam. nj.com
Step inside one and you've been whisked away to the French countryside. nola.com
Smith flew into St Paul Thursday evening and was whisked away by university officials without speaking to reporters. eau.com
He was whisked off to a United Nations prison to face the first modern war crimes trial of a head of state. nytimes.com
I also whisked more away in some places with an old brush, but it really was just that simple. modelcarsmag.com
As for Child herself, she collected whisks during her travels. nytimes.com
Whisk on downtown to House Kitchen and Bar. sacbee.com
What's Cookin' at Callie's Cabin: European-style treats that will whisk you away. tahoedailytribune.com
Photographer's artful images whisk viewers away to the iconic beauty of Venice. columbiatribune.com
3.5 stars for good food & reasonable prices at Whisk Gourmet in South Miami. miami.com
Whisk Gourmet 7382 SW 56 Ave, South Miami 786-268-8350. miami.com
While the noodles are cooking, whisk together the dressing ingredients in a small bowl. ktvz.com
Rows of Olympic VIP buses will be waiting to whisk teams and coaches to the Athletes Village. fxl.com
Departures from this random mixing may be interpreted as a bypass where fluid is whisked away from the mixing zone, or dead zones where fluid is trapped for long times.
Measures of mixing quality in open flows with chaotic advection
We just should proceed carefully, the QGP-duck may be a shy creature, easy to whisk away.
Strange Quark Matter Theory
This is a sensible criterion: when the buoyancy frequency is small, vertically displaced fluid elements fail to return to their equilibrium positions before being whisked away by the background shear.
Forming Planetesimals in Solar and Extrasolar Nebulae
A woman stands by to spread butter and sugar, and the plate is whisked away in a moment. "A Wanderer in Holland" by
His waiter whisked away the clam cocktail and put down the clear turtle. "The Cab of the Sleeping Horse" by
The man whisks off his bed, and runs it up to the wall, whereupon he may confront a handsome mirror. "David Lockwin--The People's Idol" by
With his sword held aloft, he threw himself on Chieh-yin Tao-jen, whose only weapon was his fly-whisk. "Myths and Legends of China" by
Turn them into a bowl, and give them twelve beats with whisk or fork. "The Easiest Way in Housekeeping and Cooking" by
So they all whisked away to the sparrow's roosting-place. "St. Nicholas, Vol. 5, No. 2, December, 1877" by
My father whisked me once more across the long Jersey marshes. "Tramping on Life" by
In vain we wise wou'd seem, while every Lust Whisks us about, as Whirlwinds do the Dust. "The Lives of the Most Famous English Poets (1687)" by
Are you quite sure you have never ridden on one yourself, Jennet, and got whisked up the chimney without being aware of it? "The Lancashire Witches" by
The men of Dubh-Artach will have a good laugh when we whisk you past. "Macleod of Dare" by
The butterfly would scoff;
When there came along a fairy
Who whisked his wings right off.
Village doors and windows by,
Whisking oer the garden pales
Where the blackbird finds the snails;
His little flying feet
Scamper as softly fleet
As ever the rabbits run.
He is gone like a flash, and then
In a breath is back again.
Applauding when your throne goes down!
What cheering when the rude breeze springs,
And whisks away your withered crown!
Ye may have me all your own,
For the night is wearing deep
And the ice-winds whisk and moan;
Come with all your drowsy stress,
Dreams and silent frostiness.
Poor donkeys ain't so stupid as rich horses may suppose!
I could feed in any manger just as well as you,
Though I don't despise a thistle—with sauce of dust and dew!