a strong fabric used for mattress and pillow covers -
a metallic tapping sound "he counted the ticks of the clock"
A strong, closely woven linen or cotton fabric, of which ticks for beds are made. It is usually twilled, and woven in stripes of different colors, as white and blue; -- called also ticken.
The act of making ticks, or slight repeated sounds; the sounds themselves: as, the ticking of the clock. -
A strong material of linen or cotton, basket-woven, and usually in stripes of blue or pink with white. It is used especially for bedticks, whence the name, and also for awnings and similar purposes, and in recent times as a foundation for embroidery, the stripes facilitating the working of certain designs. Also ticken.
the cloth of which ticks are made
Full as a tick - If you are as full as a tick, you have eaten too much.
In a tick - (UK) If someone will do something in a tick, they'll do it very soon or very quickly.
Tick all the right boxes - To meet or fit the criteria or expectations. For example, "This product ticked all the right boxes for me", or "That applicant's interview didn't go so well; it didn't tick any of my boxes".
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary From Tick a bed cover. Cf. Ticken
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary L. theca—-Gr. thēkē, a case—tithēmi, I put.
That ticking you hear in 'Lincoln'. kentucky.com
This guy is ticked off cuz a cowgirl is stepping on his trademark. radiousa.com
The characteristic "bull's-eye" reaction to a tick bite. netnebraska.org
This Friday is one of those special evenings, when Deer Tick takes the stage. chattanoogapulse.com
Deer Tick is rock 'n roll. 1055triplem.com
Deer Tick will perform at 8 pm May 25 at McMenamins Mission Theatre, 1624 N W. Glisan St, Portland. columbian.com
INTERVIEWS Listen to Deer Tick 's Shaggy 'Tim' Cut 'Born at Zero'. spin.com
Deer Tick / Photo by Scott Alario. spin.com
In all probability , they're ticked off in Dallas. espn.go.com
Last fall, my dog and I came home from several outings, and I picked many ticks from each of us. vgazette.com
I haven't seen as many ticks in my entire life as I have recently. vgazette.com
What's the Right Way to Make Your Watch Tick. esquire.com
And she's TICKED OFF about it. kygl.com
Cotton-pickin, I never know who I'm going to tick off . thetexasspur.com
WaPo Gives Dodd the Tick-Tock Treatment. cjr.org
The upper and lower ticks represent the positions of the calculated chemical and magnetic reflections, respectively.
Random Fan-Out State Induced by Site-Random Interlayer Couplings
Table 3: Optimal tick values for the considered assets, in the linear case and the square root concave case.
Large tick assets: implicit spread and optimal tick size
So the spread (in ticks) is invariant when the tick value is modified.
Large tick assets: implicit spread and optimal tick size
Step 2: Use our methodology for large tick assets.
Large tick assets: implicit spread and optimal tick size
Quantifying the tick size: the implicit spread.
Large tick assets: implicit spread and optimal tick size
Bags, pillow-cases, bed-ticks, sheets and coverlets had been called into requisition to hold the precious leaves. "What Might Have Been Expected" by
The seconds ticked into minutes. "Treachery in Outer Space" by
Look at that tick of a forward there. "The Loom of Youth" by
Clocks and watches tick louder before mild weather. "Current Superstitions" by
What he suffered as the afternoon faded and the ticking of the clock thudded on his senses, no one could ever know. "Joyce of the North Woods" by
It was wet, of course, but, to his surprise, was still merrily ticking away. "Frank Merriwell's Reward" by
Inside the box you can hear a gentle but steady tick, tick, tick. "Banzai!" by
Only the ticking of a little clock was audible. "The Eternal City" by
The hall clock with slow and solemn tick marked one hour of waiting, and still he did not come. "Pocket Island" by
There was not a sound but the ticking of a clock on the mantel-shelf. "Mary Gray" by
I lay between you, I was
open, was
audible, ticked at you, your breathing
obeyed, it is
I still, but then you are asleep.
And still no further from myself,
Alone and lost in clinging night
—(The clock’s still ticking on the shelf).
And these were the words it spake,
"Tick-tock, tick-tock"--and they seemed to mock
A heart about to break.
My oss away to robb,
And goes tick at your Mews
For seven-and-fifty bobb,
Shall I be call'd to pay?—It is
A iniquitious Jobb."
A broken toy, and a tear stained face,
A young life clouded, a young heart sore;
And the great clock, time, ticks on apace.
It crumbles, tick-tick time drags it in
Till now his arteries lag and now they start
Reverence with the frigid gusts of sin.