the property of being taller than average stature -
the vertical dimension of extension; distance from the base of something to the top
The quality or state of being tall; height of stature.
The quality of being tall, in any sense; especially, height.
Cut down the tall poppies - (AU) If people cut down the tall poppies, they criticise people who stand out from the crowd.
In the tall cotton - A phrase that expresses good times or times of plenty and wealth as tall cotton means a good crop.
Small dog, tall weeds - This idiom is used to describe someone the speaker does not believe has the ability or resources to handle a task or job.
Stand tall - If you stand tall, you are brave, proud or confident.
Tall drink of water - Someone who is very tall and slender is a tall drink of water. ('A tall glass of water' is also used.)
Tall enough to hunt geese with a rake - (USA) A person who's much taller than a person of average height.
Deadpan delivery of a delectably over-the-top premise makes this tall-format picture book a virtually guaranteed crowd-pleaser. publishersweekly.com
Did you know that we have special shelves where we put all of the books that are too tall to fit on our regular shelving. arcataeye.com
A long, hard day of work calls for a nice, tall, cold one. tucsonweekly.com
Car Carrier Spins Tall Tale. otrprotrucker.com
Comcast tall in the saddle with Project Cavalry . cedmagazine.com
The ship will be a 5-foot-tall replica. caller.com
"Without enough sleep, we all become tall two-year-olds". radiousa.com
You might be cooking for a large group of people this holiday weekend, and that can be a tall order. abclocal.go.com
It was a little before five last Wednesday evening when the "tall Mormon" walked into Antarctica, a bar in lower Manhattan ("where the drinks are big and the memories are short"). cjr.org
His thin, tall frame is swallowed by camouflage shorts belted around his thighs. laweekly.com
I cut it to about 10 inches tall and planted. fayobserver.com
The annual trek to the woods to practice poor hygiene and tell tall tales — otherwise known as deer camp — begins this week. record-eagle.com
Toxic sites cleanup list a tall order. columbian.com
Both stand tall for Special Olympics. chicagotribune.com
Space, greenery needed — not tall buildings. timesledger.com
We shall see below that for redundant expansions T is a tall matrix and ˜THT (cid:54)= T ˜TH ( ˜THT and T ˜TH have different dimensions) so that dual frames will not be biorthonormal.
A Short Course on Frame Theory
Next observe that when N > M , the N × M matrix T is a “tall” matrix, and therefore its left-inverse is, in general, not unique.
A Short Course on Frame Theory
The first theorem deals with “tall” matrices and extends the corresponding result from (for uniformly bounded above mean zero random variables with bounded below variances this was shown in ).
Smallest singular value of sparse random matrices
In this section we prove Theorem 1.1, which establishes an estimate on the smallest singular value for “tall” random matrices, meaning matrices whose aspect ratio n/N is bounded above by a small positive constant (independent of n and N ).
Smallest singular value of sparse random matrices
Let also b ∈ M be any tall positive element.
Definable groups as homomorphic images of semilinear and field-definable groups
She and her husband laughed at the idea of the tall sailor coming to take me away. "Old Jack" by
The two tall poles, with the upturned baskets, the devil-catchers, rose like flagstaffs from both sides of the door. "The Best Short Stories of 1919" by
The Deans were getting to be tall girls, and even Daisy Jasper had taken to growing. "A Little Girl of Long Ago" by
These are tall perennial marsh grasses. "A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses" by
Had Red Feather not seen Tall Bear among the group he would have adopted a course which the presence of that rival prevented. "The Story of Red Feather" by
One, about eighteen, was tall and well knit, with dark hair and a swarthy, honest face. "The Camp in the Snow" by
He was tall and very handsome, a splendid swordsman, and a wit who could hold his own with poets and with statesmen. "Historic Boyhoods" by
This one was a grown and tall man, quite as tall as Don Pablo himself, but thinner and more angular in his outlines. "The Forest Exiles" by
Many of them are more than ten feet long, and a span taller than a tall man. "The Wonders of the Jungle" by
The yard had a tall brick wall around it. "Slave Narratives: A Folk History of Slavery in the United States from Interviews with Former Slaves, Arkansas Narratives, Part 4" by
Of the cicada's song;
And a broken fence where tall weeds come
With spikëd fingers strong.
Nor fearing man nor God,
Like a tall bay-tree, fair and green,
Spreading his arms abroad.
Tall and white, and cold,
And lifted up to the sunshine
Their great red hearts of gold.
Had helmeted each tiny head;
Save one damsel, who, tall as two,
The Faeries led.
The dark and silent river
Pursues through tangled woods a way
O'er which the tall trees quiver;
You gave me enough food
To renew myself.
It was the mind's weight
Kept me bent, as I grew tall.