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Fine Dictionary


Men and women at counter. Man spits a dish that has eaten too hot back into a bowl. Under Dutch verse in two lines.
Men and women at counter. Man spits a dish that has eaten too hot back into a bowl. Under Dutch verse in two lines.
  1. (n) spitting
    the act of spitting (forcefully expelling saliva)
The spit filling consists of ten shells. They differ in shape, type and size and are superimposed; a pearl necklace runs between the shells.
The spit filling consists of ten shells. They differ in shape, type and size and are superimposed; a pearl necklace runs between the shells.
Illustration for Boccaccio's Decameron, history LXXVI. Calandrin spits out a pill made from dog poo and is booed by children.
Illustration for Boccaccio's Decameron, history LXXVI. Calandrin spits out a pill made from dog poo and is booed by children.
Design for a spit fill for a fresco.
Design for a spit fill for a fresco.
Fragment of a frieze-shaped representation of five hares turning a hunter on a spit and cooking his dog in a pot. Pendant of an ornamental print with the Tree of Jesse.
Fragment of a frieze-shaped representation of five hares turning a hunter on a spit and cooking his dog in a pot. Pendant of an ornamental print with the Tree of Jesse.
The sea horses spit water. From a series of 6 unnumbered pages.
The sea horses spit water. From a series of 6 unnumbered pages.
A man is pressing grapes into a large barrel next to a man spitting and a man carrying a basket on his back. Vineyards lie in the background. Top left a scorpion.
A man is pressing grapes into a large barrel next to a man spitting and a man carrying a basket on his back. Vineyards lie in the background. Top left a scorpion.
In a kitchen, a couple is roasting a chicken. The man is holding the spit but also has one hand on the woman's leg. On the left, a man spills soup from his spoon. In the foreground mushrooms and vegetables.
In a kitchen, a couple is roasting a chicken. The man is holding the spit but also has one hand on the woman's leg. On the left, a man spills soup from his spoon. In the foreground mushrooms and vegetables.
Roasting an Ox on a Spit, plate 37. Procession of Charles V with the Pope Clement VII in Bologna after his coronation as emperor, 24 February 1530.
Roasting an Ox on a Spit, plate 37. Procession of Charles V with the Pope Clement VII in Bologna after his coronation as emperor, 24 February 1530.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
Interesting fact
Over billions of years, black holes become white holes and they spit out all of the things they sucked in. the atoms are completely jumbled, so no one knows what will ever come out. Theoratically they'll also turn into a white hole. If you were unfortunate enough to fall within one, you would never actually hit -- because time would stop at some point within the event horizon (space outside) of the black hole. Thanx De Composed
  1. (n) spitting
    The act or practice of expectoration.
  2. (n) spitting
    An appearance seen on the surface of silver which has been melted in considerable quantity and then allowed to cool slowly, protuberances like miniature volcanic cones being formed just as the surface of the metal begins to solidify, through the orifices of which oxygen gas escapes, sometimes with sufficient violence to throw out bits of the molten metal. This is frequently seen in the cupellation of silver in the large way. The same phenomenon is exhibited by melted platinum, which, like silver, absorbs oxygen when melted, and gives it off again on cooling. Also called sprouting.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
Interesting fact
The average human produces 25,000 quarts of spit in a lifetime, enough to fill two swimming pools.
  1. Spitting
    the act of one who or that which spits: an appearance on the surface of melted silver or platinum allowed to cool slowly, jets of oxygen forming small cones and sometimes throwing up drops of molten metal—also called Sprout′ing
Pablo Picasso
If I spit, they will take my spit and frame it as great art.
Pablo Picasso
George Bernard Shaw
Put an Irishman on the spit and you can always get another Irishman to turn him.
George Bernard Shaw
In a rich man's house there is no place to spit but his face.
Diogenes of Sinope
Carl Sandburg
Slang is a language that rolls up its sleeves, spits on its hands and goes to work.
Carl Sandburg

Make you spit - If something makes you spit, it irritates you or makes you angry.

Spit blood - If someone is spitting blood, they are absolutely furious.

Spit it out - People say this when someone has something to say but is too embarrassed, shy, etc, to say it.

Spit the dummy - Reference to an infant spitting out their dummy (or pacifier) in order to cry. 'To spit the dummy' is to give up.

Spitting image - If a person is the spitting image of somebody, they look exactly alike.('Spit and image' is also used and some suggest it is a hasty pronunciation of "spirit & image", to suggest that someone completely resembles someone else. Example: He's the spirit & image of his grandfather.)


Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A.S. spittan, also spǽtan; Ice. spýta, Ger. spützen.

Usage in the news

Man in bullying case spits on reporter.

The rain spits at you as the wind blows it sideways.

Taken near the Dungeness Spit, Strait of Juan de Fuca at sunset.

God bless the very patient people in this video who remain helpful while having crackers spit on them while he is talking O.M.G.

Spit is this guys duct tape, it can solve almost any situation.

The quest to discover why men spit so much.

She continued to spit at deputies on the ride to the jail, where she had to be placed in a restraint chair, the report stated.

City revising Spit lodging code.

Rodney Segura was spitting mad as he left APD in cuffs Wednesday morning.

Crop art & drink spitting.

It's on a spit near Pacific City.

Spit Dat weekly open-mike poetry event is spirited place.

Regie Cabico, seen at the Capturing Fire fundraiser, was a guest at a recent Spit Dat .

USCplayers say he was spit on.

Are you going to start spitting every story I read into my timeline.

Usage in scientific papers

If the order or appearance of the header fields does not match any of the standard clients, the call is classified as SPIT.
SPAM over Internet Telephony and how to deal with it

If the fingerprint doesn’t match any of the standard clients, the call is classified as SPIT.
SPAM over Internet Telephony and how to deal with it

As Device Fingerprinting is discussed as a server side anti SPIT mechanism, it is useless against Direct IP Spitting as the clients don’t have any chance to verify the fingerprint of the attacking client.
SPAM over Internet Telephony and how to deal with it

Comparing the INVITE message of a caller with an old or incomplete fingerprint list, can lead to blocking the call although the call is not a SPIT call.
SPAM over Internet Telephony and how to deal with it

Both server side and client side Black List are very useless against Direct IP Spitting for different reasons.
SPAM over Internet Telephony and how to deal with it

Usage in literature

We want you to do your best when you spit for us. "The Skipper and the Skipped" by Holman Day

Arabian holy men and descendants of Mohammed spit to cure diseases. "Myths of Babylonia and Assyria" by Donald A. Mackenzie

It did not even spit as Dane passed under its abode to pour thin soup into his patient. "Plague Ship" by Andre Norton

Immediately, she set up a cry, and spit out the persimmon. "A Little Florida Lady" by Dorothy C. Paine

I hate their spitting and their ice-water. "Atlantis" by Gerhart Hauptmann

At the end of a spit of land was a man gnawing a piece of raw beef. "The Luck of Thirteen" by Jan Gordon

To you, Ramabai, the powder; to me, the spitting wires; to you, Bruce Sahib, patience. "The Adventures of Kathlyn" by Harold MacGrath

Spit him like a lark; he is only a boy. "The Cornet of Horse" by G. A. Henty

Only it was not like a shield, but a rocky spit of coast land, with fir trees farther back. "The Stolen Singer" by Martha Idell Fletcher Bellinger

Tomas Castro could not mention them without spitting in sign of contempt. "Romance" by Joseph Conrad and F.M. Hueffer

Usage in poetry
They have encompassed him with steel,
They spit upon his gentle face,
He smiles and bleeds, nor will reveal
The Church's hidden treasure-place.
"See hoo they break the gude ait-cake,
An' spit the moolins oot their mou';
They're lucky fu', an' lucky het,
An' lucky near the mill, I trow."
To some he speaks as once of old,
I know thee, thy profession's vain;
Since thou art neither hot nor cold,
I'll spit thee from me with disdain.
If you do not want your heart
Burnt at a small flame
Like a spitted sheep,
Fly the love of women.
Fire burns what it touches,
But love burns from afar.
Behold, they spit on me in scornfull wise;
Who by my spittle gave the blinde man eies,
Leaving his blindnesse to mine enemies:
Was ever grief like mine?
The souldiers also spit upon that face
Which Angels did desire to have the grace,
And Prophets once to see, but found no place:
Was ever grief like mine?