take up a liquid or a gas either by adsorption or by absorption -
acid gritty-textured fruit
(Bot) The wild service tree (Pyrus torminalis) of Europe; also, the rowan tree.
The service-tree, Pyrus (Sorbus) domestica. The wild service-tree, Pyrus torminalis, is included under the name by Gerard, and is also often so called in more recent times. The mountain-ash, P. aucuparia, and other species of the old genus Sorbus are also likely to have been so called. -
The fruit of any of the above-named trees. -
A member of a Slavic race resident in Saxony and adjoining parts of Prussia. Also called Wend, or Lusatian Wend.
sorb the mountain-ash or service-tree -
sorb one of a Slavonic race in Saxony and the neighbouring parts of Prussia -
Also Wend, or Lusatian Wend -
a Sorb, or the Sorbian tongue
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary L. sorbus the tree, sorbum, the fruit; cf. F. sorbe,. See Service tree
The SORB 33 arsenic removal technology and Bayoxide E33 arsenic removal media from Severn Trent Services have been selected for use by Arizona American Water Co. At six water treatment facilities in the Phoenix area.
The Hilltown Water and Sewer Authority, which serves Hilltown Township, a suburb of Philadelphia in Bucks County, Pa. Has installed a 300 gal per minute SORB 33 arsenic removal system utilizing Bayoxide E33 media from Severn Trent Services.
Sister-in-laws Connie Sorbe, of Spencer and Chris Shulte, of Fonda.
SORB-A- SPILL from SAS Safety Corporation absorbs five times the amount of spills as clay products.
Macroscopic behavior and random-walk particle tracking of kinetically sorbing solutes.
Plumes in kinetic transport: how the simple random walk can be too simple
The Sumerians were entirely ab-sorbed by those races that entered the fertile valley at a later date. "The Story of Mankind" by
O' Fridays they munched nothing but services or sorb-apples; neither were these full ripe, as I guessed by their complexion. "Gargantua and Pantagruel, Complete." by
If you attempt to pass through Ifdawn without a sorb, you are simply committing suicide. "A Voyage to Arcturus" by
O' Fridays they munched nothing but services or sorb-apples; neither were these full ripe, as I guessed by their complexion. "Gargantua and Pantagruel, Book V." by
We ab-sorbed you by conquest and so you are really a part of us. "Pearl of Pearl Island" by
Dat's de question what 'sorbs my mind most, dese days. "Slave Narratives Vol. XIV. South Carolina, Part 1" by
Heah's de Poteland niggahs cravin' to 'sorb fish mawnin', night, an' noon. "Lady Luck" by
Uoille de sorbe, 225. "An Introductorie for to Lerne to Read, To Pronounce, and to Speke French Trewly" by
Grossenhain was originally a Sorb settlement. "Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 12, Slice 5" by
Halle is first mentioned as a fortress erected on the Saale in 806 by Charles, son of Charlemagne, during his expedition against the Sorbs. "Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 12, Slice 7" by
Of France: an avenue of sorbs
Conceals it: drifts of daffodils
Bloom by a 'scutcheoned gate with barbs
Like iron bills.
What is it, in the grape turning raisin,
In the medlar, in the sorb-apple.
Wineskins of brown morbidity,
Autumnal excrementa;
What is it that reminds us of white gods?