of the blackest black; similar to the color of jet or coal -
covered with or as if with soot "a sooty chimney"
Having a dark brown or black color like soot; fuliginous; dusky; dark. "The grisly legions that troop under the sooty flag of Acheron." -
Of or pertaining to soot; producing soot; soiled by soot. "Fire of sooty coal." -
To black or foul with soot. "Sootied with noisome smoke."
Covered or marked with soot; black with soot. -
Producing soot. -
Produced by soot; consisting of soot. -
Resembling soot; dark; dusky. -
In zoology and botany, fuliginous; of a dusky or dark fuscous color: specifically noting many animals. -
To black or foul with soot.
consisting of, or like, soot
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary AS. stig,. See Soot
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A.S. sót; Dan. sod.
Worse, they create the sticky honeydew on which sooty mold grows.
The Sooty Tern uses its body to cast a shadow in order to protect its young chick from the blazing equatorial sun.
Cold, sooty air and heightened avalanche danger.
1 in 3 Americans breathing sooty air.
Reader photos of Puerto Rican Tody, Barn Swallow, Sunbittern, American Robin, Sooty Shearwater, Red-winged Blackbird, Brown Jay, Rough-legged Hawk, Yellow Warbler, and other birds.
These whiteflies will produce "honeydew," a sugary substance, which causes the growth of sooty mold.
Woodsmoke is the prime culprit driving spikes in sooty, toxic air that's leaving Seattle and Tacoma residents gasping for breath.
Updating a list made in 2004, the EPA has added 15 cities to the sooty air list, mostly in states like Alaska, Utah, Idaho and Wisconsin.
A genetic study suggests that Nevada has both subgroups (sooty and dusky).
He really does have a great head o' hair and whoever taught him how to line his eyes in sooty black kohl had mad skills.
Gus Ben David has had multiple calls from people who have found sooty owls and other wildlife in their houses or have heard strange noises coming from their fireplaces.
The adult birds may be almost entirely black, especially in spring, while younger and winter-plumaged birds are white or nearly so below, with varying amounts of sooty black above and silver underwings.
When, at last, she lit a lamp to discover what was tormenting him, she saw his tongue was black -- scorched and sooty.
Out of that sooty workspace, things lovely, fragile and colorful are born.
He was unrecognizable, with his black face, his sooty clothes and his eyes glowing with fever. "The Blonde Lady" by
We will hope Tom will be wiser, now he has got safe out of his sooty old shell. "The Water-Babies" by
Their house consisted of two rooms, a living room and a sleeping closet, both open to the thatch, which was sooty with smoke. "The Little Manx Nation - 1891" by
The "sooty-fox" is a variety of the "Arctic," distinguished from it only by its colour, which is of a uniform blackish brown. "Popular Adventure Tales" by
The buildings below, black and sooty, their jagged outlines like the stumps of rotten teeth. "This Crowded Earth" by
His hands and face were sooty. "The Ghost Breaker" by
A thick, black, sooty dust lies upon everything. "American Sketches" by
We left Martigues in an extraordinary and unusual fog, reminiscent of London, except that it was not black and sooty. "The Automobilist Abroad" by
I am encircled with squalor, with hunger, rage, and sooty desperation. "Past and Present" by
There was about Merlier a smell of death like the smell of sooty smoke. "Mountain Blood" by
The landscape never stays the same.
One moment clad in sooty shadows,
The next-the woods are all aflame.
Laugh through leaf and flower and grain,
While in close-pent court and lane,
In the air so thick and sooty,
Little ones pace to and fro,
Weighted with their parents' woe?
When the may was more than may, very long ago:
As for our may-coats, it was your white hands, lady,
Filled our sooty hearts and minds with blossom, white as snow.
Twirling out a sooty broom, a blot against the blue.
Ah, but when we called to him, and when he saw and ran to her,
All our winter ended, and our world was made anew.
I wish some mighty nobleman would go and tell the king;
For to steal him from his house and home must be a crying sin,
Though he was a little negro boy, and had a sooty skin.
Laid hold upon the rosy Gates of Heaven,
And shook them with gigantic sooty hands,
Asking he knew not what, but not for alms;
And the Gates, opened as in jest;
And, like a sooty jest, he stumbled in.