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Fine Dictionary


  1. (v) sleet
    precipitate as a mixture of rain and snow "If the temperature rises above freezing, it will probably sleet"
  2. (n) sleet
    partially melted snow (or a mixture of rain and snow)
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Sleet
    Hail or snow, mingled with rain, usually falling, or driven by the wind, in fine particles.
  2. Sleet
    (Gun) The part of a mortar extending from the chamber to the trunnions.
  3. Sleet
    To snow or hail with a mixture of rain.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) sleet
    Hail or snow mingled with rain, usually in fine particles, and frequently driven by the wind. A fall of sleet is due to one or more inversions in the normal decrease of temperature with increase of altitude, as, for example, when fine rain-drops falling from an air-current whose temperature is 32° F. or over freeze in traversing colder air-strata near the earth's surface.
  2. sleet
    To rain and snow or hail at the same time.
  3. (n) sleet
    In gunnery, that part of a mortar which passes from the chamber to the trunnions for strengthening the chamber.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (n) Sleet
    slēt rain mingled with snow or hail
  2. (v.i) Sleet
    to hail or snow with rain mingled
Simon Dach
Then come the wild weather, come sleet or come snow, we will stand by each other, however it blow.
Simon Dach

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OE. sleet,; akin to MHG. slz, slze, hailstone, G. schlosse,; of uncertain origin

Usage in the news

Neither Rain, Nor Sleet , Nor Dark Of Night.

Freezing rain, sleet different but dangerous.

Freezing rain occurs when the atmosphere is right at freezing and way too warm to produce snow or sleet .

Not Rain, Sleet , Snow or Ice&or Fulfillment&Will Stop Royal Mail.

Delivery through sleet and snow.

Let it sleet , Let it sleet .

The grill is in a Cabana to protect the cook when it rains, snows, sleets or any other weather.

Rain, shine, sleet or snow.

Rain, snow, fog, drizzle, and oh yeah SLEET.

Cloudy with a chance of light snow or light sleet.

Rain, sleet, snow, and freezing rain: these are what makes up the ol' wintry mix.

With today's forecast of sleet and possible snow along with the temperatures dropping I was trying to figure out what to make for dinner.

Rain, sleet, snow, and freezing rain occupied the radar for most of Tuesday and briefly on Wednesday.

Central Montcalm's Tyler Sleet battles an opponent during a run last year.

What is the difference between snow, sleet, and freezing rain.

Usage in literature

Foe's man, after whistling ten minutes or so for a taxi, returned upstairs, powdered with sleet. "Foe-Farrell" by Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch

The storm in the mountains continued all night, the downpour shifting from hail to sleet and from sleet to a cold, drenching rain. "The She Boss" by Arthur Preston Hankins

They started up the hill and met the sleet of hissing death. "The Southerner" by Thomas Dixon

The sleet had ceased, and hollows of sunless blue showed through the driving wind-clouds. "The Fruit of the Tree" by Edith Wharton

Spring and summer fill my hands with flowers and in winter I lay my face to the wind that carries sleet and snow. "Lady Larkspur" by Meredith Nicholson

Winter would be here by and by; they must gather in all the fuel possible before it was upon them with its snow and sleet and icy blasts. "The Alchemist's Secret" by Isabel Cecilia Williams

Sleet was falling heavily. "Japanese Literature" by Various

Chime, ye dappled darlings, Through the sleet and snow. "Lyra Heroica" by Various

A perfect sleet of wind and steel seemed to pass overhead. "The Leicestershires beyond Baghdad" by Edward John Thompson

Babette shivered under her shawl, and looked more drearily than ever at the lashing sleet. "Kate Danton, or, Captain Danton's Daughters" by May Agnes Fleming

Usage in poetry
I do not love thy snow and sleet
Or icy flows;
When I must jump or stamp to warm
My freezing toes.
"Hark! the cry--it comes again!"
"Nay, it is the winds that wail,
And the patter on the pane
Of the driving sleet and hail"
My senses with my spirit meet
To urge me from this northern soil,
Ere stealthy Winter's ambushed sleet
Swoop on autumnal spoil.
Then starting up, she wildly flew,
Nor heard the hissing sleet,
Nor knew how keen the tempest blew,
Nor felt her bleeding feet.
``For you the mavis thrills the brake,
For you the laverocks soar,
And even snow and sleet but make
You dance and sing the more.
The night blew cauld thro' snaw and sleet,
Loud rair'd the blast wi' deaf'ning din;
A voice cam' sad, yet mournfu' sweet;
"Unbar the door, and let me in!