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Fine Dictionary


  1. (n) skepful
    the quantity a skep can hold
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) skepful
    The amount contained in a skep, in any sense of the word.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (n) Skepful
    as much as a skep will hold

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A.S. scep—Scand., Ice. skeppa.

Usage in scientific papers

Gevolglik moet mens in kwantumberekening van die begin af ’n invoerregister skep wat lank genoeg is om alle nodige kopie ¨e van bisse in een vektor saam te dra deur die seri ¨ele proses (onvertakte stroombaan) van kwantumberekening.
Quantum computing (Kwantumberekening)

Peter Shor skep die kwantum-algoritme vir priemfaktorisering.
Quantum computing (Kwantumberekening)

Die frekwensie van verval van verstrengeling neem toe met die aantal komponente van die stelsel, wat potensieel ’n probleem skep vir ’n groot kwantumrekenaar.
Quantum computing (Kwantumberekening)

Usage in literature

Berry's hand had been upon the skep and the jolt had aroused the bees. "The Brother of Daphne" by Dornford Yates

See thee, wench, there's a vast o' folk ha' left their skeps o' things wi' me while they're away down to t' quay side. "Sylvia's Lovers, Vol. I" by Elizabeth Gaskell

See thee, wench, there's a vast o' folk ha' left their skeps o' things wi' me while they're away down to t' quay side. "Sylvia's Lovers -- Complete" by Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell

I allus heard he paints his bee-skeps,' Jabez put in. "A Diversity of Creatures" by Rudyard Kipling

An apiary of a single skep in a roped-off enclosure was an illustration of unfamiliarity with bees. "The Foundations of Japan" by J.W. Robertson Scott

So aff they set, wi' Jock and the skeps on their backs. "Folk-Lore and Legends Scotland" by Anonymous

Add eke after eke to the skep, and still seems it too small to contain all the insects. "Recreations of Christopher North, Volume 2" by John Wilson

He says he shall go in the skep if your father does. "Sappers and Miners" by George Manville Fenn

And what kind of skeps have they? "Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland" by Various

Fig 11 shows a straw skep in section, and explains itself as illustrating the admirable way in which the bees furnish their dwelling. "Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Slice 5" by Various

Usage in poetry
The gipsy wife came to my door with pegs and brooms to sell
They make by many a roadside fire and many a greenwood dell,
With bee-skeps and with baskets wove of osier, rush and sedge,
And withies from the river-bed and brambles from the hedge.