transgressing a moral or divine law "if it be a sin to covet honor, I am the most sinning soul alive"- Shakespeare" -
an act that is regarded by theologians as a transgression of God's will
Your sins will find you out - This idiom means that things you do wrong will become known.
The Good News Melissa Clark loves this dessert because "it's light, but feels very sinful".
Albany's days as Sin City are coming to an end.
Joey Lawrence is heading to Sin City for a shot on the Chippendale 's stage.
Sometimes the sweet tooth kicks in, and we just have to have a sinful treat.
Use of pornography and other sexual sins are rampant in our culture and in the church.
We all have to wrestle with sin, and sin is all about being foolish .
Sin Cara News Archive from SmackDown.
Derek Blasberg talks to the up-and-coming director about Sin City-style.
Chicago's ' gluttony ' lands it on 'sinful' travel itinerary.
"It's the perfect bit of sin," said Ali Larter, star of TV's "Heroes," of the room in New York City.
The ancient rabbis declared that, "even though a Jew has sinned"—which in this context means sinned against his own—"he remains Israel.
Monsignor not liable for sins of church.
Greed is the drama critic's prevailing sin.
Women's swim trunks cover multitude of sins.
Ln (cos a, sin a)˜hj Ln (cos b, sin bi)˜hj Ln (cos x, sin x).
Local Rigidity of Partially Hyperbolic Actions
N −1 (E ) = sin(πs(E )), if N is even and cos → sin if N is odd.
Random matrix representations of critical statistics
Then, ∆ii (k) becomes ∆ii (k) = ai + 2bi (cos kx + cos ky ) + 4ci cos kx cos ky +4δi sin kx sin ky , (3) where we have introduced three parameters, ai , bi and ci representing on-site (ai ), nearest-neighbor (bi ), and next-nearest-neighbor (ci ) pairings.
Simple Real-Space Picture of Nodeless and Nodal s-wave Gap Functions in Iron Pnictide Superconductors
N , I (x) = sinc x − cos x − (x/3) sin x with sinc x = x−1 sin x and J (x) = x cos x − sin x.
Two-dimensional droplet spreading over random topographical substrates
L ) sin θL − cos θL cos β sin θL sin(λ − φL ) Note, due to the precession of the orbital plane, this polarization angle varies during the evolution of the binary.
The search for spinning black hole binaries in mock LISA data using a genetic algorithm
While I proclaimed the love of God to sinners, I also preached vehemently against sin. "Frank Oldfield" by
How do you plead, 'guilty or not guilty, sinful or not sinful? "Expositions of Holy Scripture" by
As there is no sin so great that the blood of Christ cannot blot it out, so there is no sin so small that it cannot destroy a soul. "The Parables of Our Lord" by
The laws given by Moses were neglected, and a long period of gross sinning followed. "Usury" by
All sin, each sin, every sin. "Christie's Old Organ" by
For long, I could not recall my sin without sinning anew. "St. Cuthbert's" by
First, then, deep repentance of sin. "Gathering Jewels" by
The secret is always to take sin to the Cross, see there its sinfulness, and then put it under the Blood and reckon it gone. "The Calvary Road" by
He that may sin, sins least: leave to transgress, I. "The Hesperides & Noble Numbers: Vol. 1 and 2" by
I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins. "Jesus the Christ" by
By sin and sorrow trod;
For loving hearts to usher in
The commonwealth of God.
Again, for all I know,
Someone has something sinful to
Conceal in all this snow!
Shine graciously within;
Brightest of all on earth that's bright,
Come shine away my sin.
Were but wounds whereby to win
Humbling victories within,—
Lord! Thou knowest;
When temptations me oppress,
And when I my sins confess,
Sweet Spirit, comfort me!
When temptations me oppress,
And when I my sins confess
Sweet Spirit, comfort me!