silver plate
ˈsɪlvər pleɪt-
silver plate
a thin layer of silver deposited on something -
silver plate
tableware that is plated with silver
Silver plate
domestic utensils made of silver.
View a video of USAF's George Miller accepting his Gold Plate Award at the IFMA 2011 Gold and Silver Plate gala in chicago.
The onsite foodservice community's stars really do come out at the annual IFMA Gold Plate Banquet and Awards Ceremony each May, when past and present Silver Plate recipients and their supporters gather to welcome the new roster of winners.
2008 Silver Plate Winner for Healthcare.
One very good reason is that sterling is said to last a lifetime with proper care and silver plate has a life span of about 20 years.
2012 Silver Plate Winner in the Foodservice Management Category.
The onsite foodservice community's best-of-segment operators will represent their peers in accepting this year's IFMA Silver Plate Awards.
11th Annual Silver Plate benefit-Filling stomachs and coffers.
During the week of Oct 1 to 7, the Barnstable Senior Center will hold its 10th annual Silver Plate Fundraiser.
Flatware, silver or silver-plated , is still in demand.
As many people have seen on the downtown Bend Christmas tree, several silver plates are hanging on the branches, representing coins, or change.
Publisher Gary Dietz (left) presents the Stephen W Brener Lodging Hospitality Silver Plate Award to STR founder and Chairman Randy Smith.
The Pairpoint Manufacturing Company was, at the turn of the century, one of the largest manufacturers of silver plate in the United States.
This little rabbit is silver-plated and Swarovski Crystal for eyes.
Flatware, silver or silver-plated, is still in demand .
Beautiful old flatware, whether it is silver or silver-plated, has a special soft gleam to it that just can't be bought new.
After several tests the best solution was two 0.4mm silver-plated wires glued in the front area of the robot.
Collective Energy Foraging of Robot Swarms and Robot Organisms
The shaft supports an Al stopper plate, which limits the pendulum torsional range, and a silvered glass mirror, which allows an independent autocollimator readout of the pendulum torsional (φ) and swing (η) angles.
Achieving geodetic motion for LISA test masses: ground testing result
More work is required on studies of the ‘silver-plated’ modes, with one leptonic and one hadronic weak boson decay, with forward jet tagging.
Strong Coupling Electroweak Symmetry Breaking
The surface is then plated with silver to increase the bonding of the sinter to the Cu fin.
Bose-Einstein Condensation of Atomic Hydrogen
Outfits for Nickel and Silver Plating, $5 to $200. "Scientific American, Volume 40, No. 13, March 29, 1879" by
Behind it the sun glimmered like a great silver plate, and the desert turned pale, as in moonlight. "The Golden Silence" by
His name was on the door on a silver plate. "Bohemian Days" by
There were on it roast meats and wines, and the plates and cups were all of silver. "The Fairy Book" by
There were also plates of bread and butter, some very nice cups and saucers, and a silver coffee-pot. "The Great War As I Saw It" by
O'Connell said of Peel that 'his smile was like the silver plate on a coffin. "Historical and Political Essays" by
Silver plated back-strap and trigger-guard (wearing). "A Catalogue of Early Pennsylvania and Other Firearms and Edged Weapons at "Restless Oaks"" by
Another swears that Turchin's brigade robbed him of twelve hundred dollars' worth of silver plate. "The Citizen-Soldier" by
On receipt of painful news, they kicked over the table, and the silver plate flew into the fire. "Ballads of Romance and Chivalry" by
Then he has the biggest stroke of luck that ever came his way; for Marie pushes in with the silver plate and a card on it. "Torchy" by
Nor Britain’s silver-plated king,
Was master of the winning ways
That drew me to the flag of Wing.
The silver plates turned filthy black,
And drooping down on the carven rails
Hung those once lovely silken sails.
But he always had money enough and to spare;
Could help a poor friend; pay his rent and his rate;
And always put silver at church in the plate.
And its lifeless skeleton It silver-plates and gilds;
But still the ocean's mighty tides
Can drive man to distraction,
From roaring waves he turns His soul a brim with yearning!