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Fine Dictionary


On the left, cabin boy Klaas Mantel with a shovel. Right boatswain Smit. Page 47 verso from a sketchbook with 110 sheets, served during the expedition to Nova Zembla in 1880.
On the left, cabin boy Klaas Mantel with a shovel. Right boatswain Smit. Page 47 verso from a sketchbook with 110 sheets, served during the expedition to Nova Zembla in 1880.
  1. (n) shovelful
    the quantity a shovel can hold
Noli me tangere. Christ appears to Mary Magdalene as a gardener with a shovel in his hand and a hat on his head. Magdalena has an ointment jar in her hand and is crying. In the background Golgotha with the three crosses and Jerusalem. With four-line caption in Latin.
Noli me tangere. Christ appears to Mary Magdalene as a gardener with a shovel in his hand and a hat on his head. Magdalena has an ointment jar in her hand and is crying. In the background Golgotha with the three crosses and Jerusalem. With four-line caption in Latin.
Album sheet with four pictures of opium users: a public opium kit, shoveling Madurese, an opium shoveling Chinese woman, and an opium shoveling Chinese man. Part of the 1930 photo album with police photos about opium smuggling in the Indies.
Album sheet with four pictures of opium users: a public opium kit, shoveling Madurese, an opium shoveling Chinese woman, and an opium shoveling Chinese man. Part of the 1930 photo album with police photos about opium smuggling in the Indies.
Hilly landscape with some trees. A man is busy shoveling his horse-drawn cart full of sand.
Hilly landscape with some trees. A man is busy shoveling his horse-drawn cart full of sand.
Labor (Labor) is diligently at work, digging into the ground with a shovel. His wife Vlijt (Diligentia) is watching, hourglass in hand. In the center are their two sons: Food (Victus) and Clothing (Amictus). Above their heads float respectively the cornucopia and an animal fur. The print has a Latin caption and is part of a series on the rewards of human labor.
Labor (Labor) is diligently at work, digging into the ground with a shovel. His wife Vlijt (Diligentia) is watching, hourglass in hand. In the center are their two sons: Food (Victus) and Clothing (Amictus). Above their heads float respectively the cornucopia and an animal fur. The print has a Latin caption and is part of a series on the rewards of human labor.
Various Egyptian pyramids and obelisks. Slaves shovel clay from the river, which is then baked in a burning furnace into bricks for the construction works. In the foreground, Pharaoh Psammetiches is sitting on a stone block. He looks at an eagle with a sandal in its beak (a reference to a fable by Aesop about the relationship between Rhodopis, a young Egyptian woman, and Pharaoh). In the margin a caption in Latin. Print from a series with the seven wonders of the world.
Various Egyptian pyramids and obelisks. Slaves shovel clay from the river, which is then baked in a burning furnace into bricks for the construction works. In the foreground, Pharaoh Psammetiches is sitting on a stone block. He looks at an eagle with a sandal in its beak (a reference to a fable by Aesop about the relationship between Rhodopis, a young Egyptian woman, and Pharaoh). In the margin a caption in Latin. Print from a series with the seven wonders of the world.
Adam with a tillage shovel and Eve with Cain as a baby on her arm.
Adam with a tillage shovel and Eve with Cain as a baby on her arm.
Landscape with Adam working the soil with a shovel. Eva is spinning wool behind him. Besides her their children Cain and Abel. In the background to the right a house among the trees. Below the scene the title in Latin, a verse in Dutch and a reference to the Bible text in Gen. 3:19.
Landscape with Adam working the soil with a shovel. Eva is spinning wool behind him. Besides her their children Cain and Abel. In the background to the right a house among the trees. Below the scene the title in Latin, a verse in Dutch and a reference to the Bible text in Gen. 3:19.
Christ, with shovel in left hand, appears to Mary Magdalene in the garden.
Christ, with shovel in left hand, appears to Mary Magdalene in the garden.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Shovelful
    As much as a shovel will hold; enough to fill a shovel.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) shovelful
    As much as a shovel will hold or will readily lift at one time.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. Shovelful
    as much as a shovel will hold:—pl. Shov′elfuls
Elbert Hubbard
The only man who makes money following the races is one who does it with a broom and shovel.
Elbert Hubbard
Enough shovels of earth -- a mountain. Enough pails of water -- a river.
Chinese Proverb
Phyllis Diller
Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing.
Phyllis Diller
Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
Lawyers spend a great deal of their time shoveling smoke.
Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
Drop the hammer and pick up the shovel.
J. A. Dever

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A.S. scofl, from scúfan, to shove; Ger. schaufel.

Usage in the news

Break out your shovels, and allow for more time when driving this weekend.

Shovels & Rope: Married Couple Scores on Heatseekers Chart.

The City of Milwaukee constantly reminds property owners they have 24 hours after a snowfall to shovel their sidewalks.

It snowed all night(2-26-12)and through late yesterday afternoon(2-27-12),alot of shoveling and plowing was done, Ruby was happy.

Nearly two trillion tax dollars have been shoveled into the hole that Wall Street dug and people wonder where the bottom is.

Too much snow and not enough beaus - so says a squad of mini- skirted , high-heeled young women wielding snow shovels in Russia's second city.

Rocco wasn't able to help me shovel 10 inches of snow today but he did melt a few patches, if you know what I mean.

Homeowners who didn't shovel had already gotten tickets when ice from weeks before still covered some local crosswalks like those at the Hennigan School until about a week ago.

Is there an old steam shovel buried at Syracuse University.

Middle School Teacher Dies While Shoveling Snow.

A popular teacher at New Prague Middle School died while shoveling snow.

A beloved teacher and coach in New Prague has died from an apparent heart attack while shoveling snow.

N 1986, Arthur Danto called Norman Rockwell 's images of American life "a shovelful of stardust".

I recently spoke to a friend who was watching their 70-plus-year-old neighbor attempt to shovel snow from their driveway.

I guess snow shoveling qualifies.

Usage in literature

Tiny and Russ, shod with rubber boots, were leaning on their long-handled shovels in the forty nearest the house. "The Settling of the Sage" by Hal G. Evarts

Can you borrow a shovel, or something of that sort, from one of the natives here? "With Kitchener in the Soudan" by G. A. Henty

Here and there he used his fire shovel and threw a little earth where the blaze was highest. "The Boy With the U. S. Foresters" by Francis Rolt-Wheeler

There was nearly everything which was found elsewhere in the cave, and almost every shovelful contained something worth preserving. "Archeological Investigations" by Gerard Fowke

They put him shovelling coke, and he got along all right till he finished the dump he was working on. "Into the Jaws of Death" by Jack O'Brien

In the tunnels the loading was done with air-operated steam shovels, four (Model 20) Marion shovels being used at various points of the work. "Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. LXVIII, Sept. 1910" by James H. Brace and Francis Mason

And he's handing his bank roll over to Pap, and his gang, with a shovel. "The Triumph of John Kars" by Ridgwell Cullum

He swung the pick for a while, then shoveled the barrow full of ground. "Naudsonce" by H. Beam Piper

Walt Phelps' burden was a shovel, while Ralph Stetson carried an axe. "The Border Boys Across the Frontier" by Fremont B. Deering

May Robin put the shovel in the fire for you? "In the Yule-Log Glow, Book II" by Various

Usage in poetry
We stand unbroken in our places,
Our shovels dare to take no rest,
For not in vain his golden treasure
God buried deep in earth's dark breast.
Then shovel on and do not falter,
Humble and hopeful, clear we see--
When Russia has grown rich and mighty,
Our grandchildren will grateful be!
And when the couple were married
The Stove gave the Shovel away;
And it seemed too bad that the Poker, poor lad,
Was the Tongs' best man on that day.
Quiet, yet fond of a laugh and a joke,
Though at times he took other moods, and then
He would only look up for a five minutes' smoke,
Then take to the shovel and pick again.
The engine with murderous blood was damp
And was brilliantly lit with a brimstone lamp;
An imp, for fuel, was shoveling bones,
While the furnace rang with a thousand groans.
The shovel was Wylie's, and swift as a wink,
He sprang into the four feet with never a shrink;
Clutch'd it: but ere he could clear the track,
The buffer beam hit him right in the back.