any of various fabrics used to make men's shirts
Cloth, specifically cotton cloth, suitable for making shirts.
Any fabric designed for making shirts. Specifically -
Stout cotton cloth such as is suitable for shirts: when used without qualification, the term signifies plain white bleached cotton. -
Shirts collectively.
cloth for shirts: shirts collectively
Keep your shirt on! - This idiom is used to tell someone to calm down.
Lose your shirt - If someone loses their shirt, they lose all their money through a bad investment, gambling, etc.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Scand.; Ice. skyrta—skortr, shortness.
The Blockers made T-shirts and put stickers on their cars.
0Jennifer Garner (in Monique Lhuiller) looked radiant at the Argo premiere in L.A. Christina Aguilera Flashes Leopard Bra Under Sheer Shirt on The Voice.
After a long hot summer, people were quick to trade in their T-shirts for warmer attire.
A grand package of the book and a T-shirt will sell for $20.
Orange T-shirts showed support for the mine.
A neatly folded T-shirt sits on a table in the outer office of state Sen Bill Ketron of Murfreesboro.
The names listed on the back of this 1999 Day in the Garden attendee's shirt will not be appearing at the Woodstock site in Bethel this year.
He gets his shirts straight from Paris.
Shirts convey simple, everyday message.
Hand-printed T-shirts, vintage ties and scarves.
A few weeks ago, I saw that JCPenney was getting attacked online for a t-shirt they were selling for girls that said "I'm too pretty to do homework so my brother has to do it for me".
JCPenney coward down to the public and pulled the shirt from their website.
At so many road races these days, it is prudent to enter early, especially when only the first to do so receive commemorative shirts.
Robert Harting needs another shirt, and that's a good thing for Germany.
Shaky Shirt lets consumers shake an iPhone to view T-shirt recommendations.
Thanks to Alan Hammond for many relevant conversations, and to a kind friend, Michael Shirts, for managing my thesis submission at Stanford while I was in Paris.
Random Surfaces
In this task, a group of six students (shown in figure 3) serve as two teams, one with white shirts and one with black.
The role of context and culture in teaching physics: The implication of disciplinary differences
Your task is to see how well you can concentrate by counting the number of passes among the members of the white-shirted team.
The role of context and culture in teaching physics: The implication of disciplinary differences
Free energy perturbation (FEP) is an important category of methods for free energy calculation; we refer to the recent works by Lu et al.1 and by Shirts and Pande5 for review and comparisons.
Determination of the chemical potential using energy-biased sampling
There is a striking similarity in the patterns we observe in a crumpled ball of paper, a crushed aluminium can or, for that matter, the creases that develop on the back of one’s shirt when one’s back has been up against the wall a little too long.
How paper folds: bending with local constraints
The costume of the Seminole warrior at home consists of a shirt, a neckerchief, a turban, a breech cloth, and, very rarely, moccasins. "The Seminole Indians of Florida" by
And, off to one side, stood several men in their shirt sleeves superintending the performances. "The Moving Picture Girls" by
A shirt to end all shirts! "Tom Swift and the Electronic Hydrolung" by
I've ironed twenty shirts in one-half a day. "Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves" by
His coat and shirt were in rags. "The Yukon Trail" by
The bird's feathers opened like a shirt and out of the feather shirt stepped a handsome youth. "The Laughing Prince" by
Then she made some little white silk shirts, and as she had learned witchcraft from her mother, she sewed a spell into every one of them. "The Fairy Book" by
A few weeks later, Williams, returning unexpectedly to the bunk-house, found Saunders changing his shirt preparatory to a ride to town. "Overland Red" by
Then I put on a shirt. "Chapters from My Autobiography" by
Terry ran upstairs, turned up the light, ripped off his white clothes and slipped into riding clothes and flannel shirt. "Terry" by
To see how they had vainly tried
With strips of shirts, and bits of string,
To stay life's ebbing tide!
He of that name,
A tall, glum fellow, velvet cloaked, with a shirt of mail,
Two eyes like flame.
All but thy shirt, to seek repose,
Think how thy all must be resign'd,
Besides thy shrowd, and left behind.
But my nose and my sword
Are proving themselves
In quite perfect accord.
I grieve to have spotted
Your shirt. On my word!
Gave FREDERICK all that he called his own, -
Two shirts and a sock, and a vest of jean,
A Wellington boot and a bamboo cane.
Sell e'en the shirt upon thy back —
Sell all thou hast at thy command —
Rather than thou God's Word shou'dst lack.