grasslike or rushlike plant growing in wet places having solid stems, narrow grasslike leaves and spikelets of inconspicuous flowers
(Zoöl) A flock of herons. -
(Bot) Any plant of the genus Carex, perennial, endogenous, innutritious herbs, often growing in dense tufts in marshy places. They have triangular jointless stems, a spiked inflorescence, and long grasslike leaves which are usually rough on the margins and midrib. There are several hundred species.
A plant of the genus Carex, an extensive genus of grass-like cyperaceous plants. The name is thence extended, especially in the plural, to the order Cyperaceæ, the sedge family. In popular use it is loosely comprehensive of numerous flaglike, rush-like, or grassy plants growing in wet places. See Carex and Cyperaceæ. -
A flock of herons or bitterns, sometimes of cranes. -
Synonyms Covey, etc. See flock.
sej a kind of flag or coarse grass growing in swamps and rivers -
sej a flock of herons, bitterns, or cranes.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OE. segge, AS. secg,; akin to LG. segge,; -- probably named from its bladelike appearance, and akin to L. secare, to cut, E. saw, a cutting instrument; cf. Ir. seisg, W. hesg,. Cf. Hassock Saw the instrument
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A variant of siege.
Photo by Sepp Jannotta, Homer News A grizzly sow and her two yearling cubs eye the movements of the other bears in a sedge flat in Swikshak Bay on the Katmai coast.
Nut sedge a gardener's plague.
Drought-Tough Ornamental Grasses and Sedges.
Blue sedge ( Carex glauca ).
Cherokee sedge ( Carex cherokeensis ).
Japanese sedge , left, provides a bright accent in the drought-tolerant garden.
The Rose Hill Cemetery in Meridian is not only the final resting place of the renowned Gypsy Queen, it is also the first site in North America where a particular type of sedge from Eurasia was found.
Coast Guard to launch replacement for Sedge by Joel Gay Staff Writer.
Spit memorial to honor Sedge and othe '180s'.
Though the Sedge will leave Homer after being decommissioned in November, it and other buoy tenders in the 180-foot Balsam class will be remembered in a memorial to be built on the Homer Spit.
Next to it, the telltale humps of hummock sedge in a wet meadow.
"We've got grass here, and sedge," he says.
If there's a wetland forming where your garden used to be, consider the palm sedge ( Carex muskingumensis ).
The Polly Hill Arboretum is hosting a talk on grasses, sedges and rushes led by PHA research associate Melissa Cullina.
The preserve is a major site for the endangered variable sedge.
Along its banks grew giant sedge, stiff and grey with frost like meal. "The Three Mulla-mulgars" by
Then enter Nymphs, "Naiads of the winding brooks with sedg'd crowns," and Sun burnt Reapers, "with rye-straw hats. "How Shakspere Came to Write the Tempest" by
She scarcely breathed her consent, and the canoe tore the growing sedge like satin as it bumped against the slope of the bank. "Plashers Mead" by
Mr. Bushnell filled his hat with water, and sprinkled the pale face in the sedge. "The Only Woman in the Town" by
Without waiting to consider how many of the enemy might be hiding in the sedge, Ottley took his twenty men splashing through the river. "The Unveiling of Lhasa" by
Sedge, a kind of coarse grass. "A Reading Book in Irish History" by
The clean smell of the wet salt sedge came freshly into the thicket. "The Forge in the Forest" by
And down by the brook there, I know of a sedge-bird's nest; we'll go and look at it coming back. "Tom Brown at Rugby" by
The great pink flamingo roused from his resting-place among the sedges when the noise began. "Not Quite Eighteen" by
The boat began slowly to break through the reeds and sedges, and to drift up the stream. "The Undying Past" by
Still shake with delight,
And whisper together
All through the night?
You hurry on, and on,
Rush at the rock, then leap the ledge,
All eager to be gone.
Where among the flags and sedge,
They beheld the floating wonder,
Cradled by the rivers edge.
He took it and held the yoke up,
Then he flung it far back in the waters
Of the dark mountain-cup;
And where the blue lake-water stirs,
And where the slender wind-blown sedge
Shakes all its silver spurs.
Steep'd in that tender light,
The water-lilies tremble there ev'n now;
Go to the pure stream's edge,
And from its whisp'ring sedge,
Bring me those flowers to cool my fever'd brow!