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Fine Dictionary


Pamphlet or poster of the Association for Women's Suffrage, c. 1916. A woman gets rid of the yoke and the ropes that bind her. Several discriminatory articles of law are quoted on the left.
Pamphlet or poster of the Association for Women's Suffrage, c. 1916. A woman gets rid of the yoke and the ropes that bind her. Several discriminatory articles of law are quoted on the left.
  1. (n) suffrage
    a legal right guaranteed by the 15th amendment to the US Constitution; guaranteed to women by the 19th amendment "American women got the vote in 1920"
Cartoon on two political issues: universal suffrage and the ten-hour working day. A politician sticks his head in the sand, in the background two political demonstrations of the Christian parties and the SDAP. Published as an addition to the Nieuwe Amsterdammer of 7 October 1910, no. 4.
Cartoon on two political issues: universal suffrage and the ten-hour working day. A politician sticks his head in the sand, in the background two political demonstrations of the Christian parties and the SDAP. Published as an addition to the Nieuwe Amsterdammer of 7 October 1910, no. 4.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Suffrage
    (Eccl) A prayer in general, as one offered for the faithful departed.
  2. Suffrage
    (Eccl) A short petition, as those after the creed in matins and evensong.
  3. Suffrage
    A vote given in deciding a controverted question, or in the choice of a man for an office or trust; the formal expression of an opinion; assent; vote. "I ask your voices and your suffrages ."
  4. Suffrage
    Aid; assistance.
  5. Suffrage
    Testimony; attestation; witness; approval. "Lactantius and St. Austin confirm by their suffrage the observation made by heathen writers.", "Every miracle is the suffrage of Heaven to the truth of a doctrine."
  6. Suffrage
    The right to vote; franchise.
  7. Suffrage
    To vote for; to elect.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) suffrage
    A vote or voice given in deciding a controverted question, or in the choice of a person to occupy an office or trust; the formal expression of an opinion on some doubtful question; consent; assent; approval.
  2. (n) suffrage
    The political right or act of voting; the exercise of the voting power in political affairs; especially, the right, under a representative government, of participating, directly or indirectly, in the choice of public officers and in the adoption or rejection of fundamental laws: usually with the definite article.
  3. (n) suffrage
    Testimony; attestation; witness.
  4. (n) suffrage
    Eccles., an intercessory prayer or petition.
  5. (n) suffrage
    In liturgics: Short petitions, especially those in the litany, the lesser litany or preces at morning and evening prayer, etc.
  6. (n) suffrage
    The prayers of the people in response to and as distinguished from the versicles or prayers said in litanies by the clergyman.
  7. (n) suffrage
    Aid; assistance; relief.
  8. suffrage
    To vote for; elect.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (n) Suffrage
    suf′rāj a vote: a vote in approbation of any proposal, hence approval, assent: testimony, witness: any short intercessory prayer
If a large city can, after intense intellectual efforts, choose for its mayor a man who merely will not steal from it, we consider it a triumph of the suffrage.
Frank Moore Colby
Susan B. Anthony
Suffrage is the pivotal right.
Susan B. Anthony

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary F., fr. L. suffragium,; perhaps originally, a broken piece, a potsherd, used in voting, and fr. sub, under + the root of frangere, to break. See Break

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary L. suffragium, saffragāri, to vote for.

Usage in the news

History Detectives Order of Leopold, Suffrage Pennant, WB Cartoon PBS.

100th anniversary of women's suffrage .

The League of Women Voters of Palo Alto recently hosted a summer gathering honoring the 100th anniversary of women's suffrage in California.

Women's History Month Symposium Examines Women's Suffrage .

A Forgotten Fight for Suffrage .

Colorado Led the Way on Women's Suffrage .

LAKEWOOD, Colo.--This week marked an important 90th birthday: women's suffrage in the United States.

On Anniversary of Women's Suffrage , Parity Is Still Elusive.

Karen Gilchrist, guest columnist: Listening to Mama counted big for women's suffrage .

Art lovers want suffrage memorial out of the way.

Women's Suffrage and Other Visions of Right-Wing Apocalypse.

Wyoming was a territory when its male citizens voted for suffrage in 1869, and kept the policy when it entered the union in 1890.

Few states witnessed a livelier or more dynamic campaign to win women's suffrage than Illinois.

Brits fight for suffrage in 'Good Fight'.

Was Grandma part of the Women's Suffrage movement HISTORY DETECTIVES host Elyse Luray traces the pennant to a pivotal time and place in the fight for women's voting rights.

Usage in literature

He not only advocates manhood suffrage, but womanhood suffrage, and woman-seats in Parliament. "A Walk from London to John O'Groat's" by Elihu Burritt

However, she was having training in her suffrage work, which was now assuming greater importance in her eyes. "The Precipice" by Elia Wilkinson Peattie

I never belonged to any suffrage society, never wrote or spoke or talked about it. "Abroad with the Jimmies" by Lilian Bell

Woman suffrage, it will be claimed, has not passed the controversial stage, even with women themselves. "What eight million women want" by Rheta Childe Dorr

I yield to no one in attachment to that rule of general suffrage which distinguishes our policy as a nation. "A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents" by James D. Richardson

Let anyone try to advocate a plan of suffrage reform at all out of the way, and see how many adherents he can collect. "The World's Greatest Books, Vol XII." by Arthur Mee

They would rather, they said, submit to a foreign power than be deprived of equality of suffrage in both branches of the legislature. "Our Government: Local, State, and National: Idaho Edition" by J.A. James

Not necessary in arranging proceedings to mention Suffrage Bill, or even Wednesday, 13th of May. "Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 100, May 9, 1891" by Various

But as this alternative is found to exist for both sexes, and on all occasions, why charge it especially on the woman-suffrage movement? "Women and the Alphabet" by Thomas Wentworth Higginson

Then, democracy is founded upon equality, of which the logical consequence is universal suffrage. "Library Of The World's Best Literature, Ancient And Modern, Vol. 5" by Various

Usage in poetry
The Boss, by jingo, he is a bird,
There's magic in his name,
Not by our suffrage; but his word
We win or lose the game.
"A lover's heart it quickly cools;
In mine it kindles up enough rage
To wring their necks. How can such fools
Ask men to vote for woman suffrage?"
Yet, though with Wit's imperishable bays
Enwreath'd, he held an uncontested throne;
Though circling climes, unanimous in praise,
Confirm'd the partial suffrage of his own:
These beauteous Sons were the blest Prophets pride,
Under his Wing they bloom'd, & flourisht by his Side:
Paid him a Reverence profound and true,
To Heav'ns Election, Israels Suffrage due.
What more can I say your good will to inspire,
Towards those who both burn with true freedom's best fire?
I don't mean the man who your suffrages mocks,
But the friends and companions of NELSON and FOX!
He claims that suffrage, if applied
To Negroes, should be qualified;
That they diplomacied, should hail
From Dartmouth, Harvard or from Yale,
Before entrusted for an hour
With manhood's great elective power.