a filter to retain larger pieces while smaller pieces and liquids pass through
One who strains. -
That through which any liquid is passed for purification or to separate it from solid matter; anything, as a screen or a cloth, used to strain a liquid; a device of the character of a sieve or of a filter; specifically, an openwork or perforated screen, as for the end of the suction pipe of a pump, to prevent large solid bodies from entering with a liquid.
One who or that which strains. -
A stretcher or tightener: as, a strainer for wire fences. -
Any utensil for separating small solid particles from the liquid that contains them, either to preserve the solid objects or to clarify the liquid, or for both purposes. -
In carriage-building: A reinforcing strip or button at the back of a panel. -
Canvas glued to the back of a panel to prevent warping or cracking. Also called stretcher.
one who, or that which, strains: an instrument for filtration: a sieve, colander, &c
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary O. Fr. straindre—L. stringĕre, to stretch tight. Cf. String and Strong.
In fine-mesh strainer, combine quinoa, oats and barley.
Keep cleaned shrimp in strainer in ice in a bowl.
Your Perfect Pasta Strainer .
Bulk raw water users, such as PPL Electric Utilities, protect process and downstream equipment by selecting multi-element water strainer technology.
Suction strainers offer dual protection to pump inlet without risk of cavitation.
"Why did you add those strainers".
What is causing the strainer to choke .
Strainers and drain valves are also standard.
Spoon into a strainer and rinse with cool water.
Let's remove the pin and the rubber stopper from our sink strainer and place it on top of our mic .
Drain oysters through a large strainer over a 1 quart glass measure.
Mixing glass, barspoon, strainer Glass: coupe Garnish: edible orchid, optional.
Force with the back of a spoon through a strainer to remove seeds, then stir in 4 Tbsp honey (don't serve honey to children under age 1).
Then, Adam reveals his top picks for finemesh strainers.
To keep some of the crushed peppercorns in the drink, she often pours the tea mixture through a julep strainer instead of a fine strainer.
Boil spaghetti in hot water until tender, cook until done, throw into strainer, then serve. "The Community Cook Book" by
Dat onery, good-fer-nothin' ole half-strainer? "Mr. Opp" by
Five ounces of plain boiled potatoes put through a patent vegetable strainer or mashed very fine. "The Golden Age Cook Book" by
Chop the white of the egg into fine pieces and rub the yolk through a strainer. "The Suffrage Cook Book"
Mix them well, boil for a few minutes, stirring constantly, and pass through a flannel strainer. "The Ladies Book of Useful Information" by
The strainers should also be protected from flies. "Manual of Military Training" by
The water passes out through the strainer, and the nourishing morsels remain. "More Science From an Easy Chair" by
After dishing up the marrow, turn the sauce into the tin to brown, and pour through a strainer over the marrow. "New Vegetarian Dishes" by
Also open the drains from the steam strainer, etc. "Steam Turbines" by
Failure to properly sterilize cans, and particularly strainer cloths, is frequently responsible for a continuance of trouble of this sort. "Outlines of Dairy Bacteriology, 8th edition" by
While Mary held the strainer,
I summoned heart to speak my wish,
And, oh! her blush grew plainer.