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Fine Dictionary


Interesting fact
The only repealed amendment to the US Constitution deals with the prohibition of alcohol.
  1. (v) repeal
    cancel officially "He revoked the ban on smoking","lift an embargo","vacate a death sentence"
  2. (n) repeal
    the act of abrogating; an official or legal cancellation
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Repeal
    To recall, as a deed, will, law, or statute; to revoke; to rescind or abrogate by authority, as by act of the legislature; as, to repeal a law.
  2. Repeal
    To suppress; to repel. "Whence Adam soon repealed The doubts that in his heart arose."
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. repeal
    To call back; recall, as from banishment, exile, or disgrace.
  2. repeal
    To give up; dismiss.
  3. repeal
    To revoke; abrogate, as a law or statute: it usually implies a recalling of the act by the power that made or enacted it.
  4. repeal
    Synonyms Annul, Rescind, etc. See abolish, and list under abrogate.
  5. (n) repeal
    Recall, as from exile.
  6. (n) repeal
    The act of repealing; revocation; abrogation: as, the repeal of a statute.
  7. (n) repeal
    Synonyms See abolish.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (v.t) Repeal
    rē-pēl′ to revoke by authority, as a law: to abrogate: to recall: to dismiss
  2. (n) Repeal
    a revoking or annulling
Phyllis Schlafly
Feminism is doomed to failure because it is based on an attempt to repeal and restructure human nature.
Phyllis Schlafly
Ulysses S. Grant
I know of no method to secure the repeal of bad or obnoxious laws so effective as their strict execution.
Ulysses S. Grant

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OF. repeler, to call back, F. rappeler,; pref. re-, re- + OF. apeler, F. appeler, to call, L. appellare,. See Appeal, and. cf. Repel

Usage in the news

City Council Repeals Pot Shop Ban.

The Los Angeles City Council on Tuesday voted to repeal a ban on medical marijuana storefront dispensaries.

The ban against medical marijuana dispensaries was repealed Tuesday by the L.A. Add your comments.

The Los Angeles City Council Tuesday voted to repeal its ban on medical marijuana dispensaries.

AAFP Joins AMA, Other Groups in Calling for SGR Repeal.

The pro and con of repealing death penalty in California.

The House Ways and Means Committee on Feb 17 approved a bill to repeal the 2010 health-care law's requirement that companies file a 1099 tax form for each vendor that provides more than $600 in goods or services.

Quist wants to cut government regulation and repeal the federal health care law.

Republicans' new health care reform bill rallying cry : Repeal it.

Lawmakers pledge to repeal law granting them access to returns.

The Merced City Council could vote to repeal an ordinance which protects renters on Monday night.

Woody Cozad, e-tax repealer , loses police lobbying gig.

AUSTIN — President Barack Obama's federal health care law may be safe from repeal, but it's drawing nothing close to a salute in Texas.

Letters to the Editor Amy Briceno One needn't be the sharpest tooth in the hound to imagine why you, Sen Josh Brecheen, would advocate repeal of SB 1712.

Romney promises to repeal Obama health care plan, yet critics find links between two.

Usage in scientific papers

When this happens, the gluons start to repeal each other, which inhibits the emission of new gluons, thus taming the BFKL rise of the gluon distribution.
Multiparticle Dynamics in the LHC Era

For a high value of γ , the internal pressure repealing the cells is very strong.
A well-balanced numerical scheme for a one dimensional quasilinear hyperbolic model of chemotaxis

Large values of γ imply strong repealing forces at higher densities.
A well-balanced numerical scheme for a one dimensional quasilinear hyperbolic model of chemotaxis

Usage in literature

Almost to a man, they favor either modification or repeal of the law. "The Economic Aspect of Geology" by C. K. Leith

But how comes it that the author of the bill of 1860, residing at the capital, never heard of its repeal? "History of Woman Suffrage, Volume I"

Nevertheless, Lord Rockingham and his adherents went on resolutely with the bill for repealing the Stamp Act. "Critical and Historical Essays, Volume III (of 3)" by Thomas Babington Macaulay

Suppose this law were repealed; would tranquillity be restored? "Cotton is King and The Pro-Slavery Arguments" by Various

This law has since been repealed. "All About Coffee" by William H. Ukers

They insist on a repeal of your laws. "From Farm House to the White House" by William M. Thayer

The barbarous laws which permitted such repugnant exhibitions were repealed by the 30th George III., cap. "Bygone Punishments" by William Andrews

In my opinion, it was not the intention of the legislature to repeal it. "The Paliser case" by Edgar Saltus

In 1895 the law recognizing insanity after marriage as a ground for divorce was repealed. "The History of Woman Suffrage, Volume IV" by Various

And for the Governor to repeal statutes by proclamation would be fatal to the liberties of the people. "Virginia under the Stuarts 1607-1688" by Thomas J. Wertenbaker

Usage in poetry
Hark! the organ's solemn peal
Ascends the lofty fane,
To win the soul's repeal,
From everlasting pain:
For hark ! to Freedom's call
The fatal spell is broke;
Repeal means—Union of the slaves,
And reverence of the yoke.
No med'cines could effect the cure
So quick, so easy, or so sure;
The deadly sentence God repeals,
He sends his sovereign word, and heals.
For custom now controuls mankind,
Kind nature's laws repealing;
Has every sentiment refin'd,
And by its influence o'er the mind,
Annull'd the power of feeling.
Christ only has Death, grimfac'd monarch! foil'd
Christ only has all pow'rs that are, despoil'd —
Christ has the bond, that ti'd us down, repeal'd —
Christ paid our ransom, Christ our pardon seal'd.