a synthetic silklike fabric
rā"ŏn Ray; beam.
A beam or ray. -
The radius of area of action (of a fort, a ship, an array, or a fleet).
rā′on (Spens.) a ray.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary F
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Fr.
Whenever the runway fashions turn back to the looks of Grace Kelly and Audrey Hepburn, while the others are running to NorthPark for reproductions created with rayon and machine-made lace, go instead to Ahab Bowen. dallasobserver.com
Bamboozle rayon and ramie by Jim Thompson, 800-262-0336. interiordesign.net
There's more than a dash of Sergeant Pepper in this printed rayon vest from Gurilla Biscuit, a New York manufacturer. nytimes.com
Green Flash Brewing Co.'s Rayon Vert. topnews.com
It sounds like the name of a distant planet in some campy SciFi flick, but once your taste buds visit Rayon Vert from California's Green Flash Brewing Company, they'll be glad they did. topnews.com
Marie Riviere will introduce the 7:30 pm screening of "Le Rayon Vert" at the Jacob Burns Film Center in Pleasantville. nyc.org
Critics' Choices and other notable shows: Clare & the Reasons, Slayer, Unsane, Rayon Beach, the A Frames, and more. chicagoreader.com
Nathan Turner's Candemir ottoman in nailhead-trimmed rayon and cotton by Elite Leather, eliteleather.com. interiordesign.net
Gosselins unravel like cheap rayon before the voyeuristic eyes of America. readingeagle.com
Hedgemont rayon-cotton blend, Crusader polyester-cotton, and Impact polyester-cotton blend by Valley Forge Fabrics, 954-971-1776. interiordesign.net
Vista cotton-rayon blend by Calvin Fabrics , 888-732-1996. interiordesign.net
Microfiber fabrics include acrylic, nylon, Lycra, rayon, and viscose, which Armstrong says is the same as rayon. blackenterprise.com
Ultraleather Linen polyurethane with polyester-rayon backing by Ultrafabrics, 914-460-1732. interiordesign.net
Brenda Braxton, owner of BBraxton Exceptional Grooming (Photo by Rayon Richards). blackenterprise.com
Stitch's Mod Plaid rayon-cotton blend in Flare, Pop Art, and Bohemian by KnollTextiles, 866-565-5858. interiordesign.net
Un Univers homogène de masse constante et de rayon croissant rendant compte de la vitesse radiale des nébuleuses extra-galactiques.
The expansion of the universe observed with supernovae
Sur la radioactivit´e provoqu´ee par les rayons de Becquerel” .
Discovery of the astatine, radon, francium, and radium isotopes
On dirait des lunes enchainees de rayons d'argent. "Selected Prose of Oscar Wilde with a Preface by Robert Ross" by
Detail aggravant: le soleil lui-meme se mettait de la partie dardant ses clairs rayons d'avril sur cette gaiete folle et la multipliant. "Histoires grises" by
Doux reflet d'un globe de flamme Charmant rayon, que me veux-tu? "The Development of the Feeling for Nature in the Middle Ages and Modern Times" by
His trousers were gray rayon, and his footgear was openwork sandals. "The Golden Skull" by
The rayon of the Army of the Meuse subsequently extended to the right bank of the Seine above Paris. "The Franco-German War of 1870-71" by
Dans ce cas, le rayon d'action est lui-meme rapproche de la cote. "International Law. A Treatise. Volume II (of 2)" by
Loose spoke Rayon desserre; rayon lache. "English-French and French-English dictionary of the motor car, cycle, and boat" by