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Fine Dictionary


  1. (v) quirk
    twist or curve abruptly "She quirked her head in a peculiar way"
  2. (n) quirk
    a narrow groove beside a beading
  3. (n) quirk
    a strange attitude or habit
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Quirk
    A fit or turn; a short paroxysm; a caprice. "Quirks of joy and grief."
  2. Quirk
    (Building) A piece of ground taken out of any regular ground plot or floor, so as to make a court, yard, etc.; -- sometimes written quink.
  3. Quirk
    (Arch) A small channel, deeply recessed in proportion to its width, used to insulate and give relief to a convex rounded molding.
  4. Quirk
    A smart retort; a quibble; a shallow conceit. "Some odd quirks and remnants of wit."
  5. Quirk
    A sudden turn; a starting from the point or line; hence, an artful evasion or subterfuge; a shift; a quibble; as, the quirks of a pettifogger. "Some quirk or . . . evasion.", "We ground the justification of our nonconformity on dark subtilties and intricate quirks ."
  6. Quirk
    An irregular air; as, light quirks of music.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) quirk
    A sharp turn or angle; a sudden twist.
  2. (n) quirk
    Hence An artful turn for evasion or subterfuge; a shift; a quibble: as, the quirks of a pettifogger.
  3. (n) quirk
    A fit or turn; a short paroxysm.
  4. (n) quirk
    A smart taunt or retort; a slight conceit or quibble; a quip; a flight of fancy.
  5. (n) quirk
    Inclination; turn; peculiarity; humor; caprice.
  6. (n) quirk
    A sudden turn or flourish in a musical air; a fantastic phrase.
  7. (n) quirk
    In building, a piece taken out of any regular ground-plot or floor, as to make a court or yard, etc.: thus, if the ground-plan were square or oblong, and a piece were taken out of the corner, such piece is called a quirk.
  8. (n) quirk
    In architecture, an acute angle or recess; a deep indentation; the incision under the abacus.
  9. (n) quirk
    A pane of glass cut at the sides and top in the form of a rhomb.
  10. (n) quirk
    In a grooving-plane, a projecting fillet on the sole or side, arranged to serve as a fence or gage for depth or distance.
  11. quirk
    To turn sharply.
  12. quirk
    To twist or turn; form into quirks.
  13. quirk
    To form or furnish with a quirk or channel.
  14. quirk
    To emit the breath forcibly after retaining it in violent exertion.
  15. quirk
    To grunt; complain.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (n) Quirk
    kwėrk a quick turn: an artful evasion: a quibble: a taunt or retort: a slight conceit: inclination, turn: fantastic phrase:
  2. (v.i) Quirk
    to turn sharply
  3. (v.t) Quirk
    to twist or turn: to furnish with a quirk or channel
  4. (n) Quirk
    kwėrk (archit.) an acute angle or recess
Certain flaws are necessary for the whole. It would seem strange if old friends lacked certain quirks.
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary Cf. W. chwiori, to turn briskly, or E. queer,

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Skeat explains as prob. for obs. Eng. quirt, to turn; from W. chwired, a piece of craft, from chwiori, to turn briskly; cf. Gael. cuireid, a turn.

Usage in the news

The most noticeable regback.exe quirk is how it handles the user profile portion of the Registry (i.e.

Matthew Quirk 's gripping first novel, The 500, opens in DC's "most respected strategic consulting and government affairs firm," where young-gun attorney Mike Ford is cutting a deal for his life with the most ruthless man in Washington.

Matthew Quirk 's gripping first novel, The 500, opens in DC's.

The reason for Quirk 's recent success is simple.

Quirk 's coming out party couldn't have come at a better time, with the Colts needing a win this week to advance to the Eastern Conference Playoffs.

Walgreens Can't Kill Quirk .

Tim Quirk 's presentation windows media real audio.

See the Tim Quirk Slideshow.

Items Tagged with 'Andrew Quirk '.

The wedding was held at the Quirk 's home.

Suzanne Miles, the bride's cousin from Newport Coast, Calif, conducted the fun-filled ceremony, the Quirks said.

"There was not a dry eye in the house when the father-daughter dance began," Lorry Quirk said.

Education was a close second for Quirk , who started his political career on the Hayward Highland Elementary School PTA and Hayward PTA Council.

Celebs have a ton of personal quirks .

Northeastern Ohio, does have its share of rewards and quirks .

Usage in scientific papers

I thank Hua Tang for putting up with my quirks all these years.
Nonparametric Bayesian Classification

BMC Med Inform Decis Mak 2003;3:5–13. Sharma-Oates A, Quirke P, Westhead DR. TmaDB: a repository for tissue microarray data. BMC Bioinform 2005;6:218–22. Demichelis F. On Information organization and information extraction for the study of gene expressions by tissue microarray technique.
Mass data exploration in oncology: An information synthesis approach

We also still have some legacy incompatibilities within the interpretation of current standards especially Microsoft ’s Internet Explorer has its quirks.
Analysis of Using Browser-native Technology to Build Rich Internet Applications for Image Manipulation

One of the quirks of Apple operating system is that until recently everything was designed for use with one single mouse button.
Analysis of Using Browser-native Technology to Build Rich Internet Applications for Image Manipulation

As with the other measurement standard, the partisanship version of unconditional party preference shows that the prevalent quirk in the data is the tendency for DD voters to chose a more Republican option without the conditioning.
Some Quantum-Like Features of Mass Politics in Two-Party Systems

Usage in literature

Quirk molding 71 110. "Carpentry for Boys" by J. S. Zerbe

There was another queer quirk to her too. "Shorty McCabe on the Job" by Sewell Ford

Quirk ran up on the scaling-ladder to the fourth floor, hung it on the sill above, and got the boys and their sister down. "Children of the Tenements" by Jacob A. Riis

Thou 'rt too fond of quip and quirk and wordy warfare, John, too much given to fence and intrigue. "Standish of Standish" by Jane G. Austin

With Portraits of Snap, Quirk, Gammon, and Tittlebat Titmouse, Esq. "Helen and Arthur" by Caroline Lee Hentz

Suddenly his features quirked and he twitched. "The Creature from Cleveland Depths" by Fritz Reuter Leiber

My name's Johnny Quirk, and this boy here's my brother, Sammy Quirk. "Little Grandfather" by Sophie May

To Kathleen it was pure joy from the first; but Mrs. Quirk, and, to tell the truth, Samuel Quirk, were for half an hour very nervous. "Grey Town" by Gerald Baldwin

That's one of the strangest quirks of star travel that's been recorded yet. "Starman's Quest" by Robert Silverberg

PEAKSLOW GETS A QUIRK IN HIS HEAD. "The Young Surveyor;" by J. T. Trowbridge

Usage in poetry
Quip, quirk, and derision;
And what my heart feels,
My soul's purest vision,
Are under the seals.
"Away, away!" his Mentors cried,
"Thou uncongenial pest!
A quirk's a thing we can't abide,
A quibble we detest!
Who sets for heresy his traps
Of verbal quirk and quibble,
And weeds the garden of the Lord
With Satan's borrowed dibble.
O precious codex, volume, tome,
Book, writing, compilation, work
Attend the while I pen a pome,
A jest, a jape, a quip, a quirk.
Along the weedy roads and lanes I walk--or pause--
Ponder a fallen nut or quirking crow whose caws
Seem with prehuman hintings fraught or ancient awes
Of forest deeps.