make a plat of "Plat the town" -
a map showing planned or actual features of an area (streets and building lots etc.)
A plot; a plan; a design; a diagram; a map; a chart. "To note all the islands, and to set them down in plat ." -
A small piece or plot of ground laid out with some design, or for a special use; usually, a portion of flat, even ground. "This flowery plat , the sweet recess of Eve.", "I keep smooth plat of fruitful ground." -
Flatly; smoothly; evenly. -
Plain; flat; level. -
Plainly; flatly; downright. "But, sir, ye lie, I tell you plat ." -
The flat or broad side of a sword. -
To form by interlaying interweaving; to braid; to plait. "They had platted a crown of thorns." -
To lay out in plats or plots, as ground. -
Work done by platting or braiding; a plait. "Her hair, nor loose, nor tied in formal plat ."
To strike with the hand; strike. -
A plot or patch of land laid off for or devoted to some particular purpose: as, a garden-ptat; a plat of ground. -
A flat representation of such plots or patches; a map or plan. -
A plan or design; scheme; plot. -
To make a ground-plan of; map or plot; lay down on paper: as, to plat a tract of land; to plat a town. -
Flat; level; plain. -
Specifically, in lace-making, flat and of uniform texture: said of the sprigs or flowers; hence, in general, noting the sprigs of bobbinlace, which are flat, as compared with those of needle-point lace, which may have relief. -
A beam or plank laid horizontally; a horizontal timber. -
A large flat stone used as the landing-place of a stair. -
The flat side of a sword. -
The sole of the foot. Compare plant. -
In mining, an enlargement of a level where it connects with a shaft used for raising ore, its object being to facilitate that operation, especially in mines where the ore is raised in kibbles. -
Flatly; plainly; bluntly. -
Smoothly; evenly. -
To lay down flat or evenly; spread. -
To iuterweave; make or shape by interweaving; wattle; plait. See plait. -
To embrace. -
A plaited or braided thing; something produced by plaiting or interweaving: as, straw plat for hats; a plat of hair. -
Nautical, a braid of foxes. See fox, 4.
plat Same as Plait. -
plat a piece of ground: a piece of ground ornamentally laid out: -
to make a map or plan of -
plat (obs.) a plan, scheme
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary Cf. Plat flat, which perh. caused this spelling, and Plot a piece of ground
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Plot.
FBC final plat approved Heather Mays.
Farragut Municipal Planning Commission unanimously approved the final plat for First Baptist Concord and the relocated Belleaire Drive.
NEW YORK–The Conran Shop has named Emmanuel Plat president of The Conran Shop New York.
Having been at The Conran Shop since 1992, Plat has served as vice president of the New York store since 2004.
Meeker County approves Union Grove plat .
The plat , at the center of a zoning dispute last fall, had previously been approved by the Meeker County Planning Commission on Thursday, Jan 13.
The third plat added four new lots - a total of 1.7 acres - to the city.
Pre- platted land is the gift that keeps on giving, so to speak, as much of Lee County is still trying to find a solution to growing communities that are not only residential but also viable centers for commercial activity.
Following the closed session by Boonville City Council meeting on Monday, the council decided to reconsider the re- platting .
I'll take my dessert to go, s'il vous plaît.
1 Heirs to the crooning style of the Ink Spots and the Mills Brothers, the Plat.
All that part of Terning Trail, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota.
It's a hidden alley, obscured by the march of time and relegated only to old plats and history books.
Alex Any chance Carlisle is going to let Roddy plat at the 2 and stop the experiment at the 1.
Consideration of a final subdivision plat for property located on Rutherford Lane (Reed Division).
Darcy, Solving tangle equations using four-plats, to appear in J.
From tangle fractions to DNA
One says that a system of ob jects and morphisms has some property local ly if this property holds after some extension of scalars (here the word “locally” refers to the topology fppf — fidelement plat de presentation finie).
Tensor categories (after P. Deligne)
Given a braid with an even number of strands, another natural way to create a link is called the plat closure.
Quantum algorithms for algebraic problems
The plat closure can be viewed as the trace closure of a braid on 2n strands together with 2n additional straight strands.
Quantum algorithms for algebraic problems
In other words, ` Ui → U is “fid`element plat de pr´esentation finie”. ´Etale topology.
Algebraic stacks
We can plat it, and within ten days we may have ouah money back. "Aladdin & Co." by
Detta beror hufvudsakligast pa foerslappning af de band som uppbara detta organ eller halla det pa sin plats. "Treatise on the Diseases of Women" by
A grass plat and borders fronted the cottage. "Shirley" by
Dig a trench on one edge of the plat designed for the bed, and the length of it, eighteen inches wide and two feet deep. "Soil Culture" by
Repubs., 778; tries to have it in plat., 779. "The Life and Work of Susan B. Anthony (Volume 2 of 2)" by
The furrows stopped here and some plats of garden ground lay along by the road. "Waterloo" by
The walls of the ancient "ecclesiastical city" enclose a plat nearly triangular in form. "The Cathedrals and Churches of the Rhine" by
It was to run through the Town of Fairfax as shown by the plat below. "A History of the Town of Fairfax" by
At the point the road abruptly ends, and there is a plat of hard ground. "The Utah Batteries: A History" by
He parked the copter on the garage-plat, pressed the button, and watched it sink slowly out of sight to its concealed hangar. "The Ambassador" by
Platted round a platter
Slips of slivered paper,
Basting them with batter.
And fain they wad be near;
And a' the warld might ken right weel,
They were twa lovers dear.
Who went to the Free Kindergarten;
When they asked him to plat
A gay-colored mat,
He tackled the job like a Spartan.
Sport'st in the gilt plats of his beams,
And all these merry days mak'st merry men,
Thyself, and melancholy streams.
Of thorns, and o'er his temples press'd it down,
Until the blood well'd from each spouting wound,
And streaming down his cheeks, inrich'd the ground.
And the soldiers platted a crown of thorns, and thought it no sin
To put it on His head, while meekly Jesus stands;
They put on Him a purple robe, and smote Him with their hands.