concise and full of meaning "welcomed her pithy comments","the peculiarly sardonic and sententious style in which Don Luis composed his epigrams"- Hervey Allen"
Having nervous energy; forceful; cogent. "This pithy speech prevailed, and all agreed.", "In all these Goodman Fact was very short, but pithy ."
Of the nature of or full of pith; containing or abounding with pith: as, a pithy stem; a pithy substance. -
Full of pith or force; forcible; containing much in a concentrated or dense form; of style, sententious: as, a pithy saying or expression. -
Given to the use of pithy or forcible expressions. -
Synonyms and Terse, laconic, concise, pointed, sententious.
full of pith: forcible: strong: energetic
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A.S. pitha; Dut. pit, marrow.
Guest review by Mike K. The pithy one-sentence review. blog.mysanantonio.com
Using Rap to Teach Pithy Lessons in Business. nytimes.com
When I first sat down to write this blurb, I fully intended it to be a pithy diatribe against Jim DeMint. charlestoncitypaper.com
Pithy verses deal with doomsday. rollingstone.com
President Obama, most famous for his soaring speeches, apparently has a knack for the pithy tweet, too. latimes.com
Judging from the current astrological omens, Scorpio, I'm thinking it would be a good time for you to do some almost equally pithy things. sacurrent.com
Of the Buena Vista Cafe, Speed is uncharacteristically pithy: "It's a very cool place," he says. mensjournal.com
We thought we were being clever and pithy, but it's bloody hard. prweek.com
Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates says some of the issues debated in Monday night's presidential debate can't be wrapped up in a few pithy words. tulsaworld.com
Televised debate at the University of Denver is sure to offer a blend of choreography and spontaneity: both men have spent hours rehearsing smart lines and pithy comebacks with proxy opponents. nbcsandiego.com
Movie Review Man on a Ledge : Pithy picture talks itself down. dispatch.com
AT the Democratic National Convention, Michelle Obama shared a pithy car story calculated to remind Americans of her husband's humble origins. nytimes.com
With the internet coming out of nowhere and Twitter being hauntingly familiar and all of these devices that are using snarky, pithy text, they... mix949.com
Faulkner, one of America's greatest writers, generally not known for pithy quotations . cnn.com
George Will was particularly pithy and funny when asked if the president has gon. rko.com
John Wheeler also made another pithy summary of his insights: It from bit .
Emergence from Symmetry: A New Type of Cellular Automata
Pithy sayings are numerous. "The Ship of Fools, Volume 1" by
I crystallized my ideas into pithy sentences which a child could have understood. "Love Among the Chickens" by
He abounds in all manner of pithy sayings, many of them wise, a few of them profound, and not one which is unworthy a second reading. "The Bibliotaph" by
Lincoln listened for hours one night, speaking only at rare intervals to tell a pithy story, until the clock struck one. "Pushing to the Front" by
The interior of the tree is full of useless pithy matter. "Mark Seaworth" by
An immense amount of chattering by the others followed these pithy remarks of the principals. "Black Ivory" by
The following four may be called "Maxims," and the first is singularly pithy and powerfully expressed. "Chaldea" by
Hathelsborough suddenly became flooded with handbills and posters, each bearing a few pithy words in enormous type. "In the Mayor's Parlour" by
Fire would seem to spoil the curt, pithy expression of vitality which belongs to its uncooked juices. "The Stock-Feeder's Manual" by
So well did he do his work that after nearly two hundred years we are still quoting his pithy sayings. "Children's Literature" by
Their broad blue combs with berries weighed,
Like heavy pendulums are swayed
With ev'ry gust that hurries by.
In the sangs o' thy poets sae lo'esum and bricht,
Sae pithy an' pawkie, sae tender an' true,
O' sense and slee humour an' feelin' sae fu';
Arches above us. O father, all by yourself
You are pithy and historical as the Roman Forum.
I open my lunch on a hill of black cypress.
Your fluted bones and acanthine hair are littered