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Top left and bottom right pansies and right daffodils. A marigold in the middle. Page 21 of 21 numbered pages with title page from a series of 24.
Top left and bottom right pansies and right daffodils. A marigold in the middle. Page 21 of 21 numbered pages with title page from a series of 24.
  1. (n) pansy
    offensive term for an openly homosexual man
  2. (n) pansy
    a timid man or boy considered childish or unassertive
  3. (n) pansy
    large-flowered garden plant derived chiefly from the wild pansy of Europe and having velvety petals of various colors
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) pansy
    A favorite species of violet, Viola tricolor; the heart's-ease. The wild plant is extremely variable, becoming in the variety arvensis, or field-pansy, an inconspicuous annual field-weed; in others it is more showy. The innumerable garden varieties, with large richly and variously Colored flowers, have been developed by long culture and by hybridizing with various perennial species. The pansy is an officinal herb, the root being cathartic and emetic.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (n) Pansy
    pan′zi a species of violet developed by cultivation into large blossoms of great variety of colour—also Heart's-ease, Love-in-idleness

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary F. Pensée, thought, pansy, fr. penser, to think, L. pensare, to weigh, ponder. See Pensive

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Fr. penséepenser, to think—L. pensāre, to weigh.

Usage in the news

A quiz of the literary trivia found in "Who the Hell is Pansy O'Hara".

Pansy Waters Hulette, 90, of Parsons, Kan.

Hillary Makes Rocky Look Like " Pansy ".

"This lady right here makes Rocky Balboa look like a pansy ," said Governor Mike Easley, D-N. Today, referring to Hillary Clinton.

Say It to My Face, Pansy -Man.

Purple Pansy Click to enlarge.

Beautiful Pansy just after a May rain.

Raindrops on a Pansy Click to enlarge.

Plant pansies, violas, snapdragons, mums, stock now.

If you have healthy-looking pansies that are not blooming well, the following are some potential reasons.

Pansies bloom at Rye Patch in Aiken.

Some pansy varieties bloom later in the season than others.

New Cool Wave pansies deliver easy, spreading color and outstanding performance that make them worthy to wear the Wave name.

The bride is the daughter of Pansy Hinkle of Buckhannon and the late Lonnie J Hinkle.

Accent stock 's upright habit with colorful pansies.

Usage in literature

If a hyacinth droops in the celery bed, put it among the pansies. "Happy Days" by Alan Alexander Milne

The days were clean gone by in which she had had time and spirits to tend her roses, pinks, and pansies. "The Vicar of Bullhampton" by Anthony Trollope

Florentine engraver, "Early Portrait of Bianca di Pianno-Forti," "Raised Pansies on China Plaque," etc. "Terribly Intimate Portraits" by Noël Coward

There is no heartsease nowadays, only the magnificent pansy of which it was the modest forerunner. "Aunt Jane of Kentucky" by Eliza Calvert Hall

At noon she sent me a bunch of pansies and her card: Mrs. Grosvenor Chittenden-Ffollette. "Ladies-In-Waiting" by Kate Douglas Wiggin

Bright beds of tulips and pansies. "Jerry's Charge Account" by Hazel Hutchins Wilson

Lucy, who stood at the table arranging a vase of freshly gathered pansies, furtively studied the invalid's sullen reverie. "The Wall Between" by Sara Ware Bassett

Can you point me out the man who wrote, 'Oh the Little Crimson Pansies' and 'The Garden of Alice'? "The Twelfth Hour" by Ada Leverson

Mrs. Clapp gave me six pansies, and it was going to be so pretty. "Nine Little Goslings" by Susan Coolidge

There was not a single white pansy on the ground; and he began to cry. "The Blue Bird for Children" by Georgette Leblanc

Usage in poetry
Butterflies about her skim—
Pouf! their simple fancies
In the willow shadows dim
Take her eyes for pansies.
Roses and lilies, pansies gay,
Violets with azure eyes,
Her favorites must have been, for they
Seem born in paradise.
--My poet the rose of his fancies
Wrought unwritten in verse,
And left but the lilies and pansies
To strew his early hearse.
I strive to paint on baffled sight
The mystery of their hue.
Black are they, pansies of delight?
Black? Purple? darkest blue?
He raised a little cross of sticks,
Pansies, forget-me-nots, amid;
Over him the gaunt Crucifix
Shed comfort -- or he thought it did.
He loves his roses best of all,
And then, I think, his pansies rare;
But oh ! he often seems to fall
In love with others in his care.