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Fine Dictionary


  1. (n) pullulation
    a rapid and abundant increase
  2. (n) pullulation
    asexual reproduction in which a local growth on the surface or in the body of the parent becomes a separate individual
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Pullulation
    A germinating, or budding.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) pullulation
    The act of germinating or budding.
  2. (n) pullulation
    Specifically, in botany, a mode of cell-multiplication in which a cell forms a slight protuberance on one side, which afterward increases to the size of the parent-cell, and is cut off from it by the formation of a dividing wall at the narrow point of junction: same as sprouting. This mode of multiplication is especially characteristic of the yeast-plant and its allies.

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary Cf. F. pullulation,

Usage in the news

To pay one's $5.00 and join the full house at the Translux for the evening show of Last Tango in Paris is to be reminded once again that the planet is in a state of pullulation.

Usage in scientific papers

Astrophysics is a sub ject wherein surprises also pullulate.
Avatars of a Matter-Antimatter Universe

Usage in literature

In England the tokens of remembrance pullulated hardly less. "Queen Victoria" by Lytton Strachey

I like pullulation; everything ought to increase and multiply as hard as it can. "Crome Yellow" by Aldous Huxley

Be conservators of my pullulating existence. "Punchinello, Vol. 1, No. 22, August 27, 1870" by Various

Pullulation was forced, swift, marvellous; one could almost hear the grain grow. "Desert Conquest" by A. M. Chisholm

Pullulation of trees, iv. "Zoonomia, Vol. II" by Erasmus Darwin

From the sea-shore to the shady green park, from the park to the dim distance, the land pullulated with people. "From Sea to Sea" by Rudyard Kipling

In England the tokens of remembrance pullulated hardly less. "Queen Victoria" by Lytton Strachey

The majority of the little circles that once pullulated in Paris no longer exist. "Unicorns" by James Huneker

Its usually deserted street was pullulating with child life. "The House 'Round the Corner" by Gordon Holmes

Usage in poetry
It was the night of the alligator:
snouts moving out of the slime,
in original darkness, the pullulations,
a clatter of armour, opaque
in the sleep of the bog,
turning back to the chalk of the sources.