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Fine Dictionary


Robe à l'Anglaise with a green 'ceinture à Levite' around the waist. Muslin band with pink ribbon in the high hairstyle. Around the neck a cord with a gold cross. Folding fan in the left hand. Print from series rr. 40th Cahier de Costumes Français, 30th Suite d'Habillemens à la mode en 1782, Gallerie des Modes et Costumes Français.
Robe à l'Anglaise with a green 'ceinture à Levite' around the waist. Muslin band with pink ribbon in the high hairstyle. Around the neck a cord with a gold cross. Folding fan in the left hand. Print from series rr. 40th Cahier de Costumes Français, 30th Suite d'Habillemens à la mode en 1782, Gallerie des Modes et Costumes Français.
  1. (v) levitate
    be suspended in the air, as if in defiance of gravity "The guru claimed that he could levitate"
  2. (v) levitate
    cause to rise in the air and float, as if in defiance of gravity "The magician levitated the woman"
The Good Samaritan takes care of the wounded man's wounds. In the background are the Levite and the priest who had passed the man. Ex-libris by bookseller Prosper Marchand.
The Good Samaritan takes care of the wounded man's wounds. In the background are the Levite and the priest who had passed the man. Ex-libris by bookseller Prosper Marchand.
Priests and Levites celebrate the Passover (Pesach or Jewish Easter) with unleavened bread. The animals are sacrificed on the altar outside, some dead sheep are ready on the ground. In the margin above the image is the text III Esdrae I [Esdrae 6].
Priests and Levites celebrate the Passover (Pesach or Jewish Easter) with unleavened bread. The animals are sacrificed on the altar outside, some dead sheep are ready on the ground. In the margin above the image is the text III Esdrae I [Esdrae 6].
Two women in frames with plaque. Left: dress or Levite (?) With a sash around the waist. Accessories: hat with feathers, cord around the neck, walking stick with tassels, shoes. Right: dress and skirt trimmed with fur. Accessories: fur hat, fur muff, chatelaines, shoes.
Two women in frames with plaque. Left: dress or Levite (?) With a sash around the waist. Accessories: hat with feathers, cord around the neck, walking stick with tassels, shoes. Right: dress and skirt trimmed with fur. Accessories: fur hat, fur muff, chatelaines, shoes.
The priest and the Levite are walking along a forest path and looking at the injured naked traveler lying on the side of the path. They do not provide assistance. From the forest, the Good Samaritan approaches on a donkey. In the distance a city. Below the image a two-line text in Latin from Luc. 10 and a six-line verse in German.
The priest and the Levite are walking along a forest path and looking at the injured naked traveler lying on the side of the path. They do not provide assistance. From the forest, the Good Samaritan approaches on a donkey. In the distance a city. Below the image a two-line text in Latin from Luc. 10 and a six-line verse in German.
The priest and the Levite walk along a forest path and look at the injured naked traveler lying on the path. They do not provide assistance. From the forest, the Good Samaritan on horseback approaches. In the margin a line in Latin.
The priest and the Levite walk along a forest path and look at the injured naked traveler lying on the path. They do not provide assistance. From the forest, the Good Samaritan on horseback approaches. In the margin a line in Latin.
Supper at the home of Simon the Levite
A Samaritan tends to a roadside road robber ambushed traveler. On the right are a Levite and a priest who did not help the injured man. In the background to the left, the Samaritan and the traveler arrive at an inn where he arranges shelter for him.
A Samaritan tends to a roadside road robber ambushed traveler. On the right are a Levite and a priest who did not help the injured man. In the background to the left, the Samaritan and the traveler arrive at an inn where he arranges shelter for him.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Levitate
    (Spiritualism) To make buoyant; to cause to float in the air; as, to levitate a table.
  2. Levitate
    lĕv"ĭ*tāt To rise, or tend to rise, as if lighter than the surrounding medium; to become buoyant; -- opposed to gravitate.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. levitate
    To cause to become buoyant in the atmosphere; make light, so as to cause to float in the air; deprive of normal gravity.
  2. levitate
    To act or move by force of levity—that is, by a repulsive force, contrary to gravity; overcome the force of gravity by means of specific lightness: especially, in recent use, said of a body heavier than the air, but supposed to rise in it by spiritual means.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (v.t) Levitate
    to cause to float

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary L. levitas, -atis, lightness. See Levity

Usage in the news

Mungo Thomson riffs on Michael Heizer's 'Levitated Mass'.

Levitated Mass exhibit to debut at LACMA.

Whether performing or talking, Lotus almost constantly flashes an illusionist's smile, as though he's about to pull some slick act of levitation you weren't expecting.

Ever since it became clear that the MC5's attempt to levitate Sun Ra's starship was basically a complete failure, like-minded subsequent units have attempted more or less successfully to improve on the blueprint.

The creator of the 'Levitated Mass' sculpture at LACMA, whose centerpiece is a 340-ton boulder, Michael Heizer is no stranger to exploring the complexities of giant stone.

The 'miracle' of the levitating slinky (cooler than it seems).

The Miracle Of The Levitating Slinky .

View full size Eric Francis, Associated Press Josh Pierce looks like he was about to levitate following the final out of Monday's elimination-game victory over Florida.

The way he describes it, it's almost like levitation.

Oh, and she eventually levitates.

Or problems could be solved by magnetic levitation (MAGLEV) vehicles.

When the car 'levitated' I was sure it was fake.

The attention given to Michael Heizer's 'Levitated Mass' at LACMA has many anticipating a masterpiece or a fiasco.

The 'miracle' of the levitating slinky (cooler than it seems ).

INTERVIEWS Watch Nude Beach Levitate a Goat in 'Some Kinda Love' Video.

Usage in scientific papers

Variation of the maximum mass to be suspended versus the upper magnet thickness H – in this plot, the levitated magnet weight has been already subtracted.
Feasibility of a magnetic suspension for second generation Gravitational Wave interferometers

Variation of the maximum mass to be suspended versus the upper magnet length L – in this plot, the levitated magnet weight has been already subtracted.
Feasibility of a magnetic suspension for second generation Gravitational Wave interferometers

Dependence of the restoring force along the mirror optical axis direction on the variation of the upper magnet length L: results are shown for two different free-gap values (d = 5 cm and d = 10 cm), for a levitated magnet (15 × 15 × 2) cm3 and for a constant misalignment of 1 mm along the length direction.
Feasibility of a magnetic suspension for second generation Gravitational Wave interferometers

Sensitive experiments searching for weak forces invariably require soft suspension for the measurement degree of freedom. A promising soft suspension with low dissipation is superconducting magnetic levitation.
Experimental Tests of General Relativity

Levitation in 1-g, however, requires a large magnetic field, which tends to couple to the measurement degree of freedom through metrology errors and coil non-linearity, and stiffen the mode.
Experimental Tests of General Relativity

Usage in literature

The priest and the Levite saw the wounded man that fell among the thieves, and passed by on the other side. "Harper's New Monthly Magazine, Vol. 2, No. 8, January, 1851" by Various

He looked at the buttons on the dash, wondering which would make it levitate. "Pursuit" by Lester del Rey

The boys who had levitated themselves up to the Saucer would be missing. "What Rough Beast?" by Jefferson Highe

And the Levites caused the people to understand the law: and the people stood in their place. "The Bible Story" by Rev. Newton Marshall Hall

You'll find, when all's said an' done, that she's plumb levitous, an' levitous folks is triflin'. "Ewing\'s Lady" by Harry Leon Wilson

We read that a Levite next came along the highway where this wounded man was lying in his helplessness. "To The Work! To The Work!" by Dwight Moody

You uncivil fellow, you come hither to tell my lady of her faults, as if her own Levite could not discern 'em? "A Select Collection of Old English Plays" by Robert Dodsley

We may call this a principle of levitation, as opposed to gravitation. "A Critical History of Greek Philosophy" by W. T. Stace

All ye holy priests and levites, pray for us. "Mary, Help of Christians" by Various

And when he enters the synagogue, the Levites meet him with songs. "Yiddish Tales" by Various

Usage in poetry
Next morn, the Chief of the assembled tribes,
The populace, the Levites, and the scribes,
Brought Jesus bound, unto the Judgement-hall,
There to be tri'd, and judg'd before them all.
Many pass'd by him who saw his dejection,
Yet none in their kindness his deep wants relieved:
Both "Priest and Levite" passed by in succession,
With cold-like indifference to the bereav'd.
Widow. The word consumes itself —-
Body, a sheet of newsprint on the fire
Levitating a numb minute in the updraft
Over the scalding, red topography
That will put her heart out like an only eye.
And from that man, beset by thieves,
And left upon the road, to die;
No aid or comfort he receives
From Priest, or Levite, passing by;
How the despised Samaritan
Proved the true neighbor to that man.
Behold the noble, rich, and great,
From Levite, Pharisee and Priest,
Down to the lowest dregs of fate,
From mightiest even to the least;
Yes, in this motley throng we find
The palsied, sick, mute, halt, and blind.
Law is holy; but not your law, ye who keep the tablets whole
While ye dash the Law to pieces, shatter it in life and soul;
Bearing up the Ark is lightsome, golden Apis hid within,
While we Levites share the offerings, richer by the people's sin.