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Fine Dictionary


Saint Roch standing with a pilgrim's staff. Behind his legs is a dog with an apple in its mouth. The dog brought Rochus fresh food every day when he was suffering from the plague.
Saint Roch standing with a pilgrim's staff. Behind his legs is a dog with an apple in its mouth. The dog brought Rochus fresh food every day when he was suffering from the plague.
  1. (n) legging
    a garment covering the leg (usually extending from the knee to the ankle)
Superstructure, 1940. Bronze, cast medal. Vz Naked, spread-legged man, seen from the front, with head to the left, holding a stone with bent left arm and stretching out a trowel with right arm, with a bare tree (chestnut) to the right of him behind which loose heap of stones, above which Man's head growing leaves with torches. Rev: text with some leaves.
Superstructure, 1940. Bronze, cast medal. Vz Naked, spread-legged man, seen from the front, with head to the left, holding a stone with bent left arm and stretching out a trowel with right arm, with a bare tree (chestnut) to the right of him behind which loose heap of stones, above which Man's head growing leaves with torches. Rev: text with some leaves.
Folding screen consisting of three leaves. Each top rests on two rectangular legs, has a wooden frame and is crowned by an ornamental rail. The middle line is decorated with two foxes facing each other with a mushroom in the middle. The two side lines contain a wavy ornament. Within the wooden frame, all parts are covered with linen on which two peacocks turned away from each other are depicted with gold and black paint. The middle part has opposite colors of the two outer parts. The blades are interconnected by copper hinges.
Folding screen consisting of three leaves. Each top rests on two rectangular legs, has a wooden frame and is crowned by an ornamental rail. The middle line is decorated with two foxes facing each other with a mushroom in the middle. The two side lines contain a wavy ornament. Within the wooden frame, all parts are covered with linen on which two peacocks turned away from each other are depicted with gold and black paint. The middle part has opposite colors of the two outer parts. The blades are interconnected by copper hinges.
Stoneware incense burner on three short legs and with a ribbed wall, covered with a light green-gray crackle glaze. Celadon.
Incense burner with ribbed wall and three legs
Gray stone statue of a Javanese boy sitting cross-legged looking admiringly at a Bronze diesel engine he is holding in his lap. From 1914, the statue stood at the entrance of the building of the Lindeteves-Stokvis company, which exported diesel engines to the Dutch East Indies, among other things. The building where the statue was placed was at JW Brouwersplein in Amsterdam.
Statue of a Javanese sitting cross-legged looking at an engine block, the bronze engine of the firm Lindeteves-Stokvis, 1914
Red-legged Falcon. Numbered top right: 20. Part of the first album with drawings of birds. Third of twelve albums with drawings of animals, birds and plants known around 1600, commissioned by Emperor Rudolf II. With explanation in Dutch, Latin and French.
Red-legged Falcon (Falco vespertinus)
Bearded, turning to the right, rear-facing man with right leg back. The left hand holds a battle ax; the to. The right hand placed behind the hip holds the strap from which the shield hangs. Palt skirt with split sleeves over an undergarment and a pointed headdress with a turban around it. The man stands in a niche on a half octagon, against which crockets, and under a vault, which at the top merges into two short window traces, supported at the bottom by columns. The whole is placed between two hollow moldings, which form a round arch at the top, against which sprains with decorative leaf filling.
Bearded, turning to the right, rear-facing man with right leg back. The left hand holds a battle ax; the to. The right hand placed behind the hip holds the strap from which the shield hangs. Palt skirt with split sleeves over an undergarment and a pointed headdress with a turban around it. The man stands in a niche on a half octagon, against which crockets, and under a vault, which at the top merges into two short window traces, supported at the bottom by columns. The whole is placed between two hollow moldings, which form a round arch at the top, against which sprains with decorative leaf filling.
Still life with a pigeon hung on a leg and a powder horn.
Still life with wood pigeon and powder horn
A white cow standing on the side of a ditch, with its front legs in the water. Right reeds or shrubs. More cows in the pasture in the left background.
White cow
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Interesting fact
Centipedes always have an uneven pairs of walking legs
  1. Legging
    A cover for the leg, like a long gaiter.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
Interesting fact
Male seagulls have red legs.
  1. (n) legging
    An outer and extra covering for the leg, usually for cold weather or rough traveling. It commonly has the form of a long gaiter extending to the knee, but for special purposes and sometimes for children to the thigh. Often pronounced and sometimes written leggin.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
Interesting fact
On average, every chocolate bar contains at least three insect legs.
  1. (ns) Legging
    an outer and extra gaiter-like covering for the legs
America fears the unshaven legs, the unshaven men's cheeks, the aroma of perspiration, and the limp prick. Above all it fears the limp prick.
Walter Abish
Four legs good, two legs bad.
George Orwell
A committee is an animal with four back legs.
John Le Carre
Spike Milligan
I'm a hero with coward's legs.
Spike Milligan
Albert Einstein
The legs are the wheels of creativity.
Albert Einstein
Thomas Fuller
A lie has no leg, but a scandal has wings.
Thomas Fuller

Arm and a leg - If something costs an arm and a leg, it is very expensive.

Break a leg - This idiom is a way of wishing someone good luck.

Crooked as a dog's hind leg - Someone who is very dishonest is as crooked as a dog's hind leg.

Does a one-legged duck swim in circles? - (USA) (US Southern) This is a response given to an unnecessary question for which the obvious answer is yes. Example: If you were to ask an Olympic archer whether she could put an arrow in an apple at ten yards, she could answer: "Does a one-legged duck swim in circles?"('Do one-legged ducks swim in circles?' is also used.)

Give someone a leg up - If you give someone a leg up, you help them to achieve something that they couldn't have done alone.

Hollow leg - Someone who has a hollow leg eats what seems to be more than his stomach can hold.


Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary From Leg

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Ice. leggr, a leg; Dan. læg, Sw. lägg.

Usage in the news

A triathlete removes his cap while sprinting out of the water to start the cycling leg of the 18th annual Beaver Lake Triathlon on Aug 20.

Hands down (and legs around), Bonnie Morgan has one of the most twisted gigs in town.

Nats' Rizzo aiming to get a leg up in arms race .

Hamilton to sit awhile after 'playing on one leg'.

Here's a crazy, yet likely, scenario: Luol Deng will return to play with a torn ligament in his left wrist before Richard Hamilton does the same with his leg ailments.

Recently, we started putting them in the bottom brackets of our awning legs.

A local man who lost both legs in Afghanistan said South African sprinter Oscar.

Nov 19, 2012 Lloyd Barker and Brendan Dunlop discuss Sunday's second legs of the MLS Conferen.

Ryan McIntosh, a 23-year-old Afghanistan war veteran, stepped on a land mine and had to have his right leg amputated.

The baseball that dribbled between the legs of Boston Red Sox first baseman Bill Buckner during the 10th inning of Game Six of the 1986 World Series, which gave the New York Mets the win.

The leg is connected to neurons in Zac Vawter hamstring, so the leg reacts to his thoughts.

Left leg for lefties and right leg for right handers.

Tyner Dumortier and Nicholas Sciscione of 10 Hairy Legs Courtesy 10 Hairy Legs.

Seattle Sounders forward Eddie Johnson might miss the first leg of the MLS Western Conference semifinals against Real Salt Lake on Friday with a hamstring strain but should be able to play in the second leg on Nov 8 in Utah.

Quink said he's waiting for his right lower leg to heal enough that doctors can fit him with a second artificial leg.

Usage in scientific papers

The outcoming leg serves as root for the blossom tree while the incoming one is replaced by a leaf.
Integrability of graph combinatorics via random walks and heaps of dimers

This remaining leaf is replaced by an incoming leg while the root becomes an outcoming one.
Integrability of graph combinatorics via random walks and heaps of dimers

We may now define the generating function Rn for two-leg diagrams with weight gk per 2k-valent vertex and with legs at a geodesic distance less or equal to n.
Integrability of graph combinatorics via random walks and heaps of dimers

In the following, we will also make use of the generating function R for two-leg diagrams without restriction on the geodesic distance.
Integrability of graph combinatorics via random walks and heaps of dimers

Note that the 2i-leg diagrams need not be connected in general.
Integrability of graph combinatorics via random walks and heaps of dimers

Usage in literature

And it is interesting to note that at this early date, even the arms and legs are beginning to bud and push out from the body. "The Mother and Her Child" by William S. Sadler

It was the man he'd left in Ward Five with a broken leg. "Ten From Infinity" by Paul W. Fairman

Her long gray skirt had parted to display her shapely, gray-satined legs. "Wandl the Invader" by Raymond King Cummings

Another had two legs but no arms, and another two arms but no legs. "The Best Short Stories of 1917" by Various

Be practice," he thought; "I may have to shoot at two-legged thieves. "The Black Tor" by George Manville Fenn

That's not right: I said take hold with your knees, not the calves of your legs. "First in the Field" by George Manville Fenn

Then, giving his leg a heavy slap, his face expanded into a grin of welcome. "Sappers and Miners" by George Manville Fenn

In vain I tried to work my way up the sands with my arms and legs. "Dick Cheveley" by W. H. G. Kingston

I tried to stretch my legs; I found that I could not move them. "Dick Onslow" by W.H.G. Kingston

Chains and ropes were thrown over his back, and around his legs. "Tum Tum, the Jolly Elephant" by Richard Barnum

Usage in poetry
His opponents the laurel must certainly yield,
When he, with three legs, was equipp'd for the field;
For who could be better prepar'd for a fray?
With one he could fight, or with two run away.
When a wean begins to nod an' spurls wi' legs an' han's
Auld Johnnie Noddle at the window stan's,
Pits his face against the peen to see what he can see,
For Auld Johnnie Noddle—a queer man is he.
"My handsome boy must stoop his head
To clear her door whom he would wed."
Weak praise, but fondly sung!
"O mother! scholars sometimes fail —
And what can foot and leg avail
To him that wants a tongue!"
"I am afraid," she wrote to me,
"That you must have bees sure surprised
At my poor penmanship . . . You see,
My arms and legs are paralyzed:
With pen held in a sort of sheath
I do my writing with my teeth."
Out on the lake, a girl would laugh.
"Sister, here is your porridge, sister,"
I would call; and the reeds would whisper,
"Go to sleep, go to sleep, little swan."
My legs were all hard and webbed, and the silky
"No matter wot they say, 'e only grins,"
Sez Poole. "'E's rather wobbly on 'is pins.
Seems like a soldier bloke. An' Peter Begg
'E sez one leg
Works be machinery, but I dunno.
I only know 'e's there an' 'e won't go.