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Fine Dictionary


Roman funerary monument for M. Antonius Antius Lupus on Via Ostienze in Rome. Monument with epitaph with Latin text on large marble blocks that are slightly overgrown with weeds.
Roman funerary monument for M. Antonius Antius Lupus on Via Ostienze in Rome. Monument with epitaph with Latin text on large marble blocks that are slightly overgrown with weeds.
  1. (n) Lupus
    a constellation in the southern hemisphere near Centaurus
  2. (n) lupus
    any of several forms of ulcerative skin disease
A wolf (Lupus) between the cutting of a broad bean (Fabae) and a large poppy (Papaver Rhoeas).
A wolf (Lupus) between the cutting of a broad bean (Fabae) and a large poppy (Papaver Rhoeas).
Half-length portrait to the right of the monk and theologian Christianus Lupus in front of a bookcase. Below his portrait is a plinth showing his details in three lines in Latin.
Half-length portrait to the right of the monk and theologian Christianus Lupus in front of a bookcase. Below his portrait is a plinth showing his details in three lines in Latin.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Lupus
    (Med) originally, a cutaneous disease with the appearance of the skin having been gnawed, and occurring under two distinct forms. Now used as a generic term for over ten distinguishable diseases having visible cutaneous symptoms.
  2. Lupus
    (Astron) The Wolf, a constellation situated south of Scorpio.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) Lupus
    A genus of Canidæ, comprising the wolves, but having no characters by which it can be distinguished from Canis. In this nomenclature the common gray wolf of North America is called Lupus occidentalis.
  2. (n) Lupus
    [lowercase] The specific designation of the common wolf, Canis lupus.
  3. (n) Lupus
    An ancient southern constellation, the Wolf, representing a beast held by the hand of the Centaur. It has two stars of the third magnitude.
  4. (n) Lupus
    [lowercase] In pathology
  5. (n) Lupus
    Lupus vulgaris, a tuberculosis of the skin, presenting clinically reddish-brown patches made up of papules, tubercles, and flat infiltrations. These patches proceed to ulceration and subsequent cicatrization. They occur mostly on the face, but may occur on mucous surfaces as well as on the skin of the extremities, or even (rarely) of the trunk. Anatomically there is tubercular tissue containing tubercle-bacilli.
  6. (n) Lupus
    Lupus erythematosus, a chronic dermatitis, beginning in one or more papules which grow so as to cover a large patch. The color is pinkish to violaceous, and the surface is scaly. It does not ulcerate, but heals with central cicatrization and atrophy. It occurs most frequently on the face, but also elsewhere. It is more frequent in women than in men.
  7. (n) Lupus
    The Pacific fulmar petrel, Fulmarus glacialis rodgersi.
  8. (n) Lupus
    Lupus exedens, a form of lupus in which there is ulceration of the affected parts.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (n) Lupus
    lū′pus a chronic tuberculosis of the skin, often affecting the nose.

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary L., a wolf. See Wolf

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary L. lupus, a wolf.

Usage in the news

More information about Lupus LA can be found at

Lupus forces singer Toni Braxton into LA hospital.

Braxton has been hospitalized in Los Angeles for health issues caused by Lupus .

Systemic lupus erythematosus presents challenges on many fronts at once: pain, energy, cognition, and mood.

Gerber started foundation to help others with lupus .

Music event benefits Lupus Detroit.

Lupus effects about 1.5 million Americans, according to the Lupus Foundation, but tomorrow you can help make a difference.

Virginia Walk for Lupus Now.

Women's soccer gold medalist Shannon Boxx lends her voice and walking shoes to the Lupus Foundation, educating people about a disease she fights.

Olympian Shannon Boxx rallies support to Lupus Foundation.

The annual Los Angeles Walk for Lupus Now is just days away.

While many people have heard of lupus , few people truly know what it is.

The Lupus Foundation of America, Greater Ohio Chapter is inviting the community to the Walk for Lupus Now 5K walk to raise money for the fight against lupus .

NEW YORK — Anthera Pharmaceuticals Inc said Monday that it is preparing to start late-stage clinical trials of its experimental lupus drug, blisibimod.

Tayumika Zurita, project coordinator for the SLE Lupus Foundations Brooklyn.

Usage in scientific papers

From those maps and the distribution of the quality index, it is clear that there is a lack of targets beyond the densest concentrations. E.g. it is not clear where the dust and gas densities drop beyond the Sco-Oph and Lupus clouds, or beyond Taurus.
Spatial distribution of interstellar dust in the Sun vicinity, comparison with neutral sodium-bearing gas

Chamaeleon, Corona Australis, Lupus, Ophiuchus), not to mention the Galactic Centre, are located in the southern sky.
Millimetre Science with the Upgraded Australia Telescope

Van Cleve, submitted); and the candidate brown dwarf J161159.8-38233 in Lupus (bottom; B.
First Fruits of the Spitzer Space Telescope: Galactic and Solar System Studies

Usage in literature

BARONS OF HUGH LUPUS. "Notes and Queries, Number 75, April 5, 1851" by Various

Nor is it lessened by the number of saints bearing the name of Lupus. "The Science of Fairy Tales" by Edwin Sidney Hartland

Thou, Virius Lupus, wilt guide them through the secret passage into the palace. "Traditions of Lancashire, Volume 2 (of 2)" by John Roby

Hugh Lupus, at the Conquest, resided here. "Little Folks" by Various

It is to be distinguished from the tubercular syphiloderm and lupus vulgaris, diseases to which it may bear rough resemblance. "Essentials of Diseases of the Skin" by Henry Weightman Stelwagon

Lupus (Hugh), the barons of, 87. "Notes and Queries, Index of Volume 3, January-June, 1851" by Various

Lupus may begin in two different ways. "Prof. Koch's Method to Cure Tuberculosis Popularly Treated" by Max Birnbaum

Portions of the alae nasi may be lost from injury, or from lupus, syphilis, or rodent cancer. "Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities--Head--Neck. Sixth Edition." by Alexander Miles

Some lupus might be spying on us. "The Saracen: Land of the Infidel" by Robert Shea

She took a 'bus from Lupus Street to the City. "Audrey Craven" by May Sinclair